Hepatitis B (HBV) infection is a major public health problem and cause of chronic liver disease.
The 2024 HBV guidelines provide updated evidence-informed recommendations on key priority topics. These include expanded and simplified treatment criteria for adults but now also for adolescents; expa...nded eligibility for antiviral prophylaxis for pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HBV; improving HBV diagnostics through use of point-of-care HBV DNA viral load and reflex approaches to HBV DNA testing; who to test and how to test for HDV infection; and approaches to promote delivery of high-quality HBV services, including strategies to promote adherence to long-term antiviral therapy and retention in care.
The 2024 guidelines include 11 updated chapters with new recommendations and also update existing chapters without new recommendations, such as those on treatment monitoring and surveillance for liver cancer.
Brazzaville – Africa is expected to experience the highest increase in diabetes globally. The number of people suffering from the disease is predicted to rise to 55 million by 2045—a 134% spike compared with 2021. At 70%, the continent also has the world’s highest number of people who do not k...now they have diabetes. Dr Bernadette Adeyileka-Tracz, Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Diabetes Africa, a non-profit organization working to improve the health of Africans living with diabetes, explains the challenges in diabetes prevention and care in the continent.
Comprehensive Primary Health Care has an important role in the primary and secondary prevention of several disease conditions, including non-communicable diseases which today contribute to over 60% of the mortality in India. The provision of Comprehensive primary health care reduces morbidity, disab...ility and mortality at much lower costs and significantly reduces the need for secondary and tertiary care. Estimates suggest that almost 52% of all conditions can be managed at the
primary care level.
In order to ensure comprehensive primary health care, close to where people live, Sub- Centres should be strengthened as Health and Wellness Centres (H&WC), staffed by appropriately trained primary health care team. The Medical officer of the Primary Health Centre would oversee the functioning of the SC/HWC that falls in that area.
Services include those that (i) can be delivered at the level of the household and outreach sites in the community by suitably trained frontline workers, (ii) those that are delivered by a team headed by a mid-level health provider, at the level of the Sub-Centre/Health and Wellness Centre and (iii) the referral support and continuity of care within the district health system in rural and urban areas. The package of services is in Box. States would need to either phase in these services or add on additional services based on state specific and local context.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
The evaluation covers the period January 2020 to August 2023. The geographical scope of the evaluation has involved the three levels of WHO (global, regional and country levels) and external key partners. The programmatic evaluation scope was concerned with assessing the SP-PHC in the following area...s/evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, added value, sustainability and equity, gender and human rights considerations. The evaluation did not assess the Universal Health Coverage Partnership (UHC-P) as it has its own separate governing body and reviews/evaluations, but instead considered how the SP-PHC had enhanced the value of the UHC-P and vice versa. The resilience and essential public health functions (REPHF) team and Systems’ Governance and Stewardship (SGS) were also not within the scope of this evaluation. However, these workstreams were considered in the wider conclusions and recommendations for the SP-PHC, as appropriate. Finally, the evaluation was focused on the SP-PHC; its scope did not include assessing the configuration and capacity of WHO’s departments and functions as they relate to UHC and health systems.
This factsheet provides five important facts for policy makers, health professionals and the general public about the links between alcohol consumption and a range of cancer types. This affects not only people who drink alcohol but also their families, friends and communities.
- Alcohol causes at l...east seven types of cancer
- The most common types of cancer due to alcohol are different for men and women
- The risk of cancer from alcohol consumption increases from the first drink
- Using tobacco as well as alcohol multiplies cancer risks
- Cancers due to alcohol consumption are preventable
The factsheet emphasizes that implementation of WHO ‘Best Buy’ policies to make alcohol less affordable, to ban or restrict alcohol marketing across all types of media, and to reduce alcohol availability can support the reduction of alcohol consumption and ultimately of cancers due to alcohol consumption. This will help progress towards a WHO SAFER European Region, free from harm due to alcohol. The factsheet was launched as part of European Week Against Cancer 2021.
The study analyzes the global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption. Using data from the GLOBOCAN 2020 database and alcohol consumption patterns, it estimates that 4.1% of all new cancer cases globally (approximately 741,300 cases) were caused by alcohol. The most affected can...cers include esophageal, liver, and breast cancer, with heavy drinking contributing the most cases, followed by risky and moderate drinking. The study highlights regional differences, with the highest attributable fractions in Eastern Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. It underscores the need for policies to raise awareness about alcohol-related cancer risks and reduce alcohol consumption globally.
Neonatal tetanus (NT), a severe newborn illness from the toxigenic strains of Clostridium tetani, persists in middle- and low-income countries due to non-sterile childbirth practices. Unlike smallpox and polio, tetanus cannot be eradicated: Clostridium tetani spores exist in the environment, and ani...mal reservoirs. However, elimination as a public health issue is achievable through widespread tetanus vaccination, clean deliveries, and proper umbilical cord care. The goal of eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) as a public health problem is considered met when all municipalities in a country have an annual incidence rate of NT of less than 1 case per 1000 live births. The Region of the Americas achieved the maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) target in 2017 when elimination was validated in the Republic of Haiti. Yet maintaining this progress requires continued efforts. High vaccination coverage, booster doses in countries lacking them, hygienic practices, and strong maternal and child health services are key. The Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) integrated maternal and neonatal immunization platform further strengthens this fight against early childhood diseases.
The Mexican Constitution sets out the basis for access to health care services and the right to social protection in health for all citizens. The General Health Law establishes that the MoH, together with state governments, is responsibl for the control and eradication of transmissible diseases and ...must establish the necessary measures to prevent and combat all threats to health.
Consequently, the National Health Plan 2019–2024 proposes universal, effective and free access to health care services, including health and epidemiological surveillance for emergencies, for all Mexicans
People with disabilities experience significant health inequalities. In Malawi, where most individuals live in low-income rural settings, many of these inequalities are exacerbated by restricted access to health care services. This qualitative study explores the barriers to health care access experi...enced by individuals with a mobility or sensory impairment, or both, living in rural villages in Dowa district, central Malawi. In addition, the impact of a chronic lung condition, alongside a mobility or sensory impairment, on health care accessibility is explored.
Follow-up care is crucial but challenging for disease management particularly in rural areas with limited healthcare resources and clinical capacity, yet few studies have been conducted from the perspective of rural primary care physicians (PCPs). We assessed the frequency of follow-up care delivere...d by rural PCPs for hypertension and type 2 diabetes – the two most common long-term conditions.
Similar to other parts of the world, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the Asia-Pacific Region has rapidly increased during the last few decades. The purposes of this pilot study were to determine the feasibility and the effects of a capacity building program for Village Health Vo...lunteers (VHVs) to support self-management in a T2DM high risk population from a rural subdistrict in Northeast Thailand. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected using surveys, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed and used to develop a 12-week capacity building program for VHVs. This program was then implemented on 60 subjects at high risk of T2DM in the selected community. According to the paired t-test and Wilcoxon-signed rank test, VHVs had higher scores on knowledge and self-efficacy of T2DM prevention after a 12 week intervention (p =.03 and p =.02, respectively). Study participants at risk for T2DM also had a significant increase in T2DM knowledge and self-management (p <.001). Implementation of the capacity building program for VHVs in Northeast Thailand was feasible. The key successes were strong community bonding, community empowerment, and support from family and public health nurses. Effects of the program should be examined with those in other Asia-Pacific countries.
In 2018 the Astana Declaration reaffirmed a global commitment to PHC as a cornerstone of sustainable health systems for accelerated progress on universal health coverage (UHC) (1). The vision for PHC in the 21st century is for a wholeof-government and whole-of-society approach to health that combine...s: 1) multisectoral policy and action; 2) empowered people and communities; and 3) primary care and essential public health functions as the core of integrated health service. Signatories, including Nigeria, were urged to implement the vision and commitments of the Declaration according to their national contexts. This case study examines Nigeria’s response to COVID-19 from a PHC perspective between March 2020 and mid-2021.
This papers argues that climate change is the greatest threat to children's care in the region
This new course focuses on advocacy and the role it plays in raising awareness of the impact that NCDs have on an individual's quality of life and their surrounding community. Lessons in this course will explore the important role that advocacy has when it comes to engaging in discussions, taking ac...tion, and effecting change not just on a community level but global as well.
Todos los países de la Región de las Américas en los que la malaria es endémica han asumido el reto de eliminar la enfermedad y de poner en marcha intervenciones para orientar sus programas y estrategias de salud en esa dirección. Esta versión simplificada y más operativa del Manual para la e...stratificación según el riesgo de malaria y la eliminación de focos de transmisión, dirigida al personal de campo, orienta sobre cómo implementar las acciones básicas de eliminación de la malaria. Se propone orientar un cambio en la operación de malaria con la atención centrada en abordar los focos y la organización de la operación en el nivel más local. El documento parte de la necesidad de identificar y definir un ámbito operativo (el foco o microárea) en donde se pone en práctica una intervención programática concreta (DTI-R) que, si bien es estandarizada a nivel nacional, debe ser ante todo guiada por la comprensión de la dinámica de la transmisión a nivel local