Психические расстройства имеют общие черты с другими неинфекционными заболеваниями, в том числе многие основные причины и общие последствия, высокую степень взаи...мозависимости и склонность развиваться одновременно, а также то, что их наиболее эффективное лечению связано с использованием интегрированных подходов. Схемы более интегрированного планирования и программирования включают: вмешательства популяционного уровня, направленные на повышение осведомленности о факторах риска НИЗ и психических расстройств и их снижение (посредством изменения законодательства, регулирования и повышения информированости); внедрение программ, осуществляемых в школах, на рабочих местах и в сообществах в целях укрепления психического и физического благополучия; предоставление более индивидуальных услуг здравоохранения, и предоставление более координированной помощи людям с (часто коморбидными) психическими и соматическими заболеваниями.
This guide is an introduction on how to integrate logistics management information systems (LMIS) with geographic information systems (GIS). It covers the value of integrating these two systems, the steps in assessing if it is currently viable to link the systems, how to set the linkage, the process...es for using LMIS within a GIS platform, and finally how to sustain the linkage. The aim of this guide is to assist logistics managers, decisionmakers and technical experts in understanding the value of integrating GIS and of the process involved in integrating these two systems.
BMC Health Services Research BMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201818:251; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3072-3
Torrential rains and the onset of Cyclone Komen triggered severe and widespread floods and landslides in July and August 2015 across 12 out of 14 states and regions in Myanmar. An estimated 1.6 million individuals were recorded as having been temporarily displaced from their homes by the disaster, a...nd 132 lost their lives. Up to 5.2 million people were exposed to the floods and landslides in the 40 most heavily affected townships. Within the 40 most-affected townships, 775,810 individuals have been displaced, accounting for approximately half of the total displaced population.
The Project recognizes that although the major target disaster is cyclones, the methodology of the Project activities to enhance the capacity of EWS, HRD and CBDRM is also applicable to mitigate the damage of floods. By analyzing the results of a survey based on the experience of the Project activities, the Project can contribute to describe tangible lessons learned and future recommendations for the counterpart agencies and disaster management related agencies of the Government of Myanmar.
Venezuela’s government announced on 24 March that COVID-19 infections had reached 91... “The government says wear masks, wash your hands often, and stay inside,” Gomez said. “But we don’t have water, we often don’t have electricity, and there are no masks.”...
[President] Maduro den...ies there are shortages in Venezuela, insisting in a national broadcast on 16 March that hospitals have all the mandatory equipment.
There is no news about when health workers will receive biosecurity equipment, which Maduro said was being shipped by China along with thousands of test kits.
He also claimed the country’s collapsed pharmaceutical industry would be able to produce both a treatment and a cure for coronavirus – neither of which exist.
He recommended to the nation a homemade “cure” promoted by one Venezuelan, one “given to us by our ancestors: pepper, lemon grass, honey and ginger”.
Although the World Health Organisation advises that only people suffering respiratory problems should wear masks, Maduro decreed: “No one can walk the streets without a mask.”
The CHW Toolkit assists the assessment, improvement, and planning of CHW programs by deepening understanding of the elements of successful programs and the use of best practices as an evidence-based approach to improvement. The toolkit is framed around ten key themes that describe the definition, en...try level, age, gender, recruitment, training, scope of work, supervision, career progression, entry level and remuneration of CHWs.
Front. Public Health, 04 June 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.618234
À l’heure où des techniques innovantes de dépistage sur le lieu de soins (POC) sont mises sur le marché, le présent rapport soumet à l’attention des gouvernements un examen des principaux aspects relatifs à leur introduction et à leur extension au sein des programmes publics nationaux. L...’élargissement de la portée de cette stratégie aux réseaux nationaux de dépistage des laboratoires conventionnels contribuerait à la réalisation des objectifs d’accélération de la riposte visant à mettre fin à l’épidémie de sida d’ici à 2030.
Le dépistage sur le lieu de soins, lorsqu’il est stratégiquement mis en place et intégré dans les réseaux nationaux de dépistage, peut contribuer à promouvoir des changements et à améliorer la prestation des services cliniques et de dépistage. Le présent document s’inspire de l’expérience acquise en matière d’introduction, par le biais de financements catalysateurs, de techniques de dépistage sur le lieu de soin dans les programmes et les marchés de nombreux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne pour défendre ce point de vue.
Forum sur la couverture Santé universelle (CSU) au Bénin, mars 2017 à Cotonou