ДЕКАБРЬ 2016 г.
ДЕКАБРЬ 2016 г.
Навчальні та методичні модулі ініціативи ВООЗ QualityRights було розроблено з метою покращення знань, навичок та розуміння ключових зацікавлених сторін про те, як сприя...и дотриманню прав людини осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок психосоціальних, інтелектуальних та когнітивних порушень, а також задля підви¬щення якості послуг і видів підтримки, які надаються в охороні психічного здоров’я та пов’язаних сферах, у відповідності з міжнародними стандартами прав людини та, зокрема, з Конвенцією про права осіб з інвалідністю та підходом, орієнтованим на відновлення.
Revised National TB Control Programme. Annual Status Report
This Situation Update describes events occurring in Bilin Township, Thaton District during the period between July and October 2017, including healthcare, education, development projects and drug issues.
This resource is a product of a partnership project between the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and UNICEF Lebanon entitled “Strengthening Child Protection and Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response for Women, Children, and Youth with Disabilities." The overall goal of the project is to ...improve violence prevention and response programming for at-risk groups of women, girls, and boys with disabilities. It builds on existing initiatives of gender-based violence (GBV) and child protection (CP) actors to systematically advance disability inclusion across the CP and GBV prevention and response sectors in Lebanon.
Download the full Toolkit directly from the website link.
Guidance on Disability Inclusion for GBV Partners in Lebanon Toolkit
2017 - 2025
Accessed: 06.03.2019
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is described as a situation when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
change over time and no longer respond to medicines, making infections harder or impossible to treat,
and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death.1 AMR in recent years has... become
a global priority in public health due to its widespread consequences and increasing occurrence from
time to time. AMR has a formidable impact where the existing antibiotics and other antimicrobial
medicines become ineffective, and infections become increasingly difficult or impossible to treat.
The new review paper, The Impacts of Climate Change on Health, identifies the extent to which increasing emissions, extreme weather and temperatures elevate health risks, from infectious disease to malnutrition, and assesses the associated health burden. It concludes that the health burden will exce...ed the level of demand that health systems are prepared for.
The ECDD works collaboratively with other organizations to promote "inclusive development" - the inclusion of disability issues and people with disabilities in mainstream government and NGO development projects and programmes.
These twelve case studies are intended to be used as the basis for group work and class discussion in both, formal and non-formal educational settings for health professionals and their students. Accompanying teaching notes are available for teachers and trainers upon login at the Case Centre.
Also available in Arabic, German, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese. Other language versions can be found on the website of the German liver foundation: http://www.deutsche-leberstiftung.de/hilfe/informationsmaterialien/faltblätter.