Staying safe in spite of a disaster. What can you do for your safety in the event of a disaster?
In spring 2013, after weeks of rain, whole areas of southern, eastern and northern Germany were beset by catastrophic floods. Settlements vanished in th...e floods up to the roofs of the houses, tens of thousands of emergency personnel and volunteers struggled against the water with sandbags. Villages and parts of towns had to be evacuated, and the citizens were only able to take the essentials with them.
Disasters are part of life. Almost every day, we can read about disasters and largescale emergencies in a variety of media and see the images of destruction and suffering. These are not just major disasters which affect large areas for a long time. Local torrential rain, a severe storm, an electric power breakdown resulting from such a storm, or a house fire can trigger a very personal disaster for each individual, each family, which has to be overcome. Take the time to contemplate your personal emergency planning.
This brochure aims to help you to develop your personal preparedness plan.
The brochure is also available in different languages:ürenfaltblätter/Ratgeber_node.html
This guide is strongly practice -oriented and intended as an open resource when replicating similar methods of psychosocial care in other projects. It describes the steps in the development of our pilot project
"Low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers’ in... Germany ", from the initial idea of the project to its practical implementation. It is to be understood as apractical report for transferring the working methods of MSF from project countries to the German context. A particular focus is the training and working methods of psychosocial peer counsellors. They are at the heart of our approach to low-
threshold psychosocial care
It aims to enable participants to:
know more about reactions to distress
know what psychological first aid is and what it is not
understand the three action principles of ‘Look, Listen and Link’
have practised providing PFA to someone in distress
have considered comple...x reactions and situations
be aware of the importance of self-care when helping others.
This training module is one of four on psychological first aid, which accompany a set of materials on psychological first aid
t aims to enable participants to:
know more about children’s reactions to distress
know what psychological first aid for children is and what it is not
understand the three action principles of ‘Look, Listen and Link’ in relation to children
have practised providing PFA t...o a child and caregiver in distress
have considered complex reactions and situations
be aware of the importance of self-care when helping others.
Plus de 700 000 personnes perdent la vie par suicide chaque année. La réduction d’un tiers du taux mondial de mortalité par suicide d’ici à 2030 est à la fois un indicateur et une cible (la seule pour la santé mentale) dans les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies et dans ...le Plan d’action global de l’OMS pour la santé mentale 2013–2030. Le treizième programme général de travail 2019–2023 de l’OMS comprend le même indicateur avec une réduction de 15 % à l’horizon 2023.
Le monde n’est pas sur la bonne voie pour atteindre les cibles de la réduction du suicide fixées pour 2030. L’OMS encourage les pays à prendre des mesures pour prévenir le suicide, idéalement par le biais d’une stratégie nationale intégrée de prévention du suicide. Les gouvernements et les communautés peuvent contribuer à la prévention du suicide en mettant en œuvre l’approche LIVE LIFE de l’OMS, dont le but est de servir de base pour commencer la prévention du suicide, et dont ils peuvent s’inspirer pour élaborer une stratégie nationale intégrée de prévention du suicide. Le présent guide s’adresse à tous les pays, qu’ils disposent actuellement ou non d’une stratégie nationale de prévention du suicide.
Le milieu des soins de plaies est un monde en pleine effervescence. Étant une des activités
réservées à l’infirmière, cette dernière doit posséder les connaissances afin d’établir le plan
de traitement selon l’évaluation de la plaie. Ce guide a été élaboré afin d’outiller l...infirmière,
ainsi que les médecins et les autres professionnels de la santé, les aidant ainsi à choisir le plan
de traitement optimal pour favoriser une guérison rapide de la plaie.
This training guide is designed to enable participants to understand the human rights perspective on migration, and how human rights laws and standards can be operationalized to make migration safer and an empowering experience for all. It provides an introduction to related principles and issues an...d is designed for persons with limited knowledge of human rights or migration.
The training guide contains session plans for the trainer and is supported by sample slide presentations and associated materials, including activities and handouts for participants, which are available electronically as individual components.
Méthodologie pour l’élaboration d’un plan stratégique national
Principales composantes du PSN