Following the encouraging initial results of the pilot project, the Ministry of Health is committed to increasing access to MDR-TB diagnosis, treatment and care. An expansion plan for the programmatic management of drug-resistant TB has been developed and forms part of the Five Year National Strateg...ic Plan for TB Control, 2011-2015. The long-term goals of the MDR-TB expansion plan are threefold:
1. Diagnosis of MDR-TB in all groups of patients at risk for MDR-TB
2. Diagnosis of MDR-TB in all HIV-infected TB patients
3. MDR-TB treatment for all patients diagnosed with MDR-TB under WHO-endorsed treatment protocols
Europe PMC Funders Group
Author Manuscript
Arch Dis Child. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 November 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Arch Dis Child. 2013 May ; 98(5): 323–327. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-302079.
The guidelines begin with an overview of the determinants of mental health among children and adolescents before reviewing related South African policies and legislation. The document then discusses strategies to build skills among caregivers, teachers and other frontline providers of mental health ...interventions as well as those for counselling professionals. The guidelines conclude by identifying priority areas for mental health services among children and adolescents, including the prevention of child and substance abuse as well as services for those living with intellectual disabilities
AACAP OFFICIAL ACTION | This Practice Parameter identifies best approaches to the assessment and management of children and adolescents across all phases of a disaster. Delivered within a disaster system of care, many interventions are appropriate for implementation in the weeks and months after a d...isaster. These include psychological first aid, family outreach, psychoeducation, social support, screening, and anxiety reduction techniques. The clinician should assess and monitor risk and protective factors across all phases of a disaster. Schools are a natural site for conducting assessments and delivering services to children. Multimodal approaches using social support, psychoeducation, and cognitive behavioral techniques have the strongest evidence base. Psychopharmacologic interventions are not generally used but may be necessary as an adjunct to other interventions for children with severe reactions or coexisting psychiatric conditions
Kolloquium terre des hommes „Ein Fenster zum Leben“ - Traumahilfe nach Gewalt und Flucht (Nürnberg, 1. Juni 2013)
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with self-harm/suicide.
• Know the common presentations of self-harm/suicide.
• Know the principles of assessment of self-harm/suicide.
• Know the management principles of self-harm/suicide.
• Perform an assessment for self-...harm/suicide.
• Assess and manage co-morbid physical health conditions
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of self-harm/suicide.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to persons with self-harm/suicide.
• Provide follow-up sessions for people with self-harm/suicide.
• Refer to mental health specialists and links to outside agencies
Q1: What are the effective maternal mental health interventions to prevent developmental problems in early infancy?
Q10: For carers of people with dementia, does respite care when compared to care as usual, produce benefits/harm in the specified outcomes?
Q9: For carers of people with dementia, do interventions (psychoeducational, cognitive-behavioural therapy counseling/case management, general support, training of caregivers, multi-component interventions and miscellaneous interventions) when compared to placebo/comparator, produce benefits/harm in... the specified outcomes?
Patient information on coronary heart disease. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:ässe/koronare-herzkrankheit-notfall