The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo announced today that preliminary laboratory results indicate a cluster of cases of Ebola virus in North Kivu province. The announcement was issued little more than a week after the Ministry of Health declared the end of an outbreak in Equateur P...rovince in the far western part of the country, some 2500 km from North Kivu.
Direct acting antivirals (DAAs) have revolutionized treatment for hepatitis C. Combi-
nations of DAAs can cure infection with HCV in 12 weeks, are highly effective and
have limited side-effects. Affordability of DAAs has improved significantly, but access remains lim-
i...ted. Initially, due to their high prices, affordability of DAAs was limited in high-, middle- and low-
income countries alike. Now there is a divide between those countries where, because of intellectual
property barriers, prices have remained (very) high and other countries where generics are, or can be,
available at much lower prices. The result is a dual market
July 2019
National Malaria Elimination & Aedes Transmitted Disease Control Program
Disease Control Division
Derectorate General of Health Services
This guidance note aims to ensure continuity of case management service provision as well as appropriate response to cases associated with the disease during the COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar. Outlined below are priority areas that Child Protection Case Management agencies should focus on
Были подготовлены "запросы" о принятии частными предприятиями конкретных мер в связи с пандемией КОВИД19 .
As of 29 June 2020, there have been 299 confirmed cases, including six fatalities and 218 recoveries across the country. The rate of local transmission has been low so far with cases confirmed mainly among people returning from abroad.
Ideas prácticas para adolescentes
Ser adolescente tiene sus retos en cualquier circunstancia, pero la situación del COVID-19, presenta desafíos adicionales y es normal no saber cómo afrontarlos. Debido al cierre de las escuelas y a la cancelación de eventos, muchos y muchas adolescentes se es...tán perdiendo momentos que pueden ser importantes en su juventud, además de experiencias cotidianas básicas como conversar con los amigos y participar en clases.
Para la gran mayoría, y en todas las edades, hay algunas cosas que nos molestan, como por ejemplo, obligarnos a no salir de casa. Solo la convicción de que estamos haciendo algo realmente importante para cuidarnos, hace que el no poder salir a la calle tenga sentido. Es por ello por lo que queremos proponerte, a ti adolescente que estás en casa, una serie de ideas que te ayudarán a comprender mejor lo que te está pasando. Te compartimos también algunos recursos con los que puedes contar para cuidarte y cuidar a otros cerca de ti. Y recuerda, que lo que te pasa a ti también le pasa a muchos otros adolescentes.
Actualizadas en el documento titulado «Vigilancia de salud pública en relación con la COVID-19» publicado el 16 de diciembre de 2020
age- and sex-disaggregated data May 2021; Global COVID-19 data on the number of cases and deaths among children and adolescents are limited, which makes it challenging to understand the many ways in which children and young people are being affected by the pandemic. To shed light on the situation, t...his dashboard presents age- and sex-disaggregated confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths based on the COVerAGE database.