To save the lives of mothers and their babies, mitigate complications, and limit the spread of disease, it is critical that recommendations are made on the prevention, treatment, and surveillance of women who are exposed to EVD, acquire EVD during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or survive EVD with pregnancies. These guidelines are the first to provide such recommendations.
Fighting malaria and Saving Lives, Accessed Febr. 23, 2017
Ce que nous devon savoir sur la maladie à virus Ebola
front cover © Jonathan Hyams/Save the Children
front cover © Hannah Maule-Ffinch/Save the Children
CapacityPlus: Serving health workers saves lives
Ce cours fournira les informations fondamentales « à savoir à tout prix » pertinentes aux programmes et services de PF volontaires aujourd'hui.
Ramped-up cancer services could save 7 million lives over the next decade—and addressing huge service gaps between rich and poor countries is key to success, according to this report.
In 2019, over 90% of high-income countries reported that comprehensive cancer treatment services were available... through the public health system, compared to fewer than 15% of low-income countries, according to WHO.
But poorer countries can make substantial strides with a universal health coverage approach and use of the latest science to meet their particular needs.
The report lays out proven ways to prevent new cancer cases without breaking the bank, including tobacco-control measures and vaccines that protect against common cancers.
A multisectoral approach to prevent anemia will save lives and improve the wellbeing of mothers, infants, and children
Affiche - Cette affiche imprimable peut être utilisée pour sensibiliser les gens aux moments clés du lavage des mains au savon afin de prévenir la propagation de COVID-19. Elle est conçue pour tous les publics et peut être téléchargée gratuitement par le biais du centre de ressources de GHP.... Cette affiche est disponible en anglais, français et espagnol.
Lavez-vous les mains avec de l'eau et du savon pendant 20 à 30 secondes immédiatement après avoir retiré votre équipement personnel de protection. Si vos mains sont souillées, lavez-les avec de l'eau et du savon pendant 40 à 60 secondes. Vous pouvez utiliser une solution hydro-alcoolique ou d...e l'eau chlorée si vous n'avez pas d'eau ni de savon à votre disposition
Building on Nigeria’s Call to Action to Save Newborn Lives, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) has developed the National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Scale-up of Chlorhexidine. The Ministry incorporated existing maternal, newborn, and child health plans with additional comprehensive st...rategic planning and consultation to develop a comprehensive, five-year costed scale-up plan. The strategy and implementation plan is intended to guide programming, resource allocation, and commitments to achieve the national objective of Chlorhexidine uptake of 52% after the fifth year of national scaleup.
Establishing trauma referral pathways to provide urgent life-saving assistance for displaced populations and civilians remaining in Ar-Raqqa.
In July 2017, a WHO team comprising an external trauma care specialist and two WHO staff members visited the governorates of Ar-Raqqa and neighbouring Al-Ha...sakeh to assess the situation
Antimicrobials are precious agents for combating infectious diseases and had saved millions of lives throughout the world. However, the current trend of increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a global health problem with increased morbidity and mortality in infectious diseases. Sri La...nka is not an exemption and face many health related issues with multidrug resistant (MDR) organisms. Currently there is a global effort in combating antimicrobial resistance. WHO extends its fullest support and plays a major role in motivating the countries to combat antimicrobial resistance with national action plans in place. Sri Lanka has initiated combating AMR with multisectoral collaboration, under one health concept. The development of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2017-2022 provides the roadmap to combat AMR.