The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (DCHA/OFDA) requested Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II Project (FANTA-2) assistance to review Community-Based Management of ...Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) in four West African countries—Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger—to help identify DCHA/OFDA 2010 and 2011 program priorities, including where DCHA/OFDA investment should be directed to support CMAM. The goal was to review CMAM program implementation and its integration into national health systems to provide DCHA/OFDA a status report for each country; draw lessons learned; and make recommendations on challenges, promising practices, gaps, and priority areas for DCHA/OFDA support during 2010 and 2011. The review was intended for DCHA/OFDA program planning purposes and also potentially as an advocacy tool to guide other donors in planning CMAM support in the region. After all four countries have been reviewed, FANTA-2 will develop a synthesis report. The current document presents a summary report on CMAM in Burkina Faso only.
Journal des anthropologues Association française des anthropologues
122-123 | 2010
Si le malaise ressenti lorsque l’on se trouve en présence du handicap constitue un invariant culturel (Stiker, 2005), chaque culture lui confère néanmoins une signification particulière (Murphy, 1990). Quelle...s sont alors les spécificités des situations de handicap au Burkina Faso ? Les idées reçues sur le continent africain sont nombreuses (Courade, 2006) : concernant le traitement des personnes handicapées, les représentations oscillent selon Poizat (2007) entre « afro-optimisme » et « afro-pessimisme » ; si la solidarité communautaire est parfois considérée comme garantissant leur non-singularisation (Guilmain-Gauthier & Jacquemin, 1994), les croyances traditionnelles relatives au « monde invisible » sont souvent invoquées comme déterminant à l’inverse leur maltraitance et leur exclusion (Devlieger, 1994).
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2010) 365, 2959–2971; doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0143.
Agricultural ecosystems provide humans with food, forage, bioenergy and pharmaceuticals and are essential to human wellbeing. These systems rely on ecosystem services provided by natural ecosystems, including pollination, b...iological pest control, maintenance of soil structure and fertility, nutrient cycling and hydrological services. Preliminary assessments indicate that the value of these ecosystem services to agriculture is enormous and often underappreciated. Agroecosystems also produce a variety of ecosystem services, such as regulation of soil and water quality, carbon sequestration, support for biodiversity and cultural services. Depending on management practices, agriculture can also be the source of numerous disservices, including loss of wildlife habitat, nutrient runoff, sedimentation of waterways, greenhouse gas emissions, and pesticide poisoning of humans and non-target species. The tradeoffs that may occur between provisioning services and other ecosystem services and disservices should be evaluated in terms of spatial scale, temporal scale and reversibility. As more effective methods for valuing ecosystem services become available, the potential for ‘win–win’ scenarios increases. Under all scenarios, appropriate agricultural management practices are critical to realizing the benefits of ecosystem services and reducing disservices from agricultural activities.
This Pharmaceutical Country Profile for Kenya (2010) has been developed by the Ministry of Medical Services with support of the World Health Organization. The Profile contains information on existing socio-economic and health-related conditions, resources, regulatory structures and processes and out...comes relating to the pharmaceutical sector in Kenya.
Clin Microbiol Infect 2010; 16: 225–231 Abstract In non-endemic countries, acute (invasive) schistosomiasis (AS) is typically seen in non-immune travellers, whereas chronic schistosomiasis is more frequently diagnosed in immigrants. Travellers with AS initially present with non-specific signs such... as fever, cough, headache, and urticaria. Life-threatening cardiac and neurological complications may occur. The positive diagnosis of AS relies on seroconversion, which appears together with hypereosinophilia approximately 3 weeks after the onset of symptoms. When prescribed during AS, praziquantel usually does not prevent the chronic phase of the disease and is associated with exacerbation of signs and symptoms in approximately 50% of cases. According to the published literature, corticosteroids may be recommended alone or in association with praziquantel. When associated with corticosteroids, pharmacokinetic interactions may impair the efficacy of praziquantel. We suggest that corticosteroids should be restricted to use in patients with systemic complications of AS, whereas praziquantel should be initiated only when ova are detected in either stools or urine, depending on the culprit species.
Paper commissioned for the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010, Reaching the marginalized
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"
A detailed overview is provided of the implementation of alcohol policies described in the 10 action areas of the European Action Plan Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol 2012–2020 (EAPA), including the current status of implementation of the five action areas of the WHO-led SAFER initiative:
Strengthen restrictions on alcohol availability;
Advance and enforce drink–driving countermeasures;
Facilitate access to screening, brief interventions and treatment;
Enforce bans or comprehensive restrictions on alcohol advertising, sponsorship and promotion; and
Raise prices on alcohol through excise taxes and pricing policies.
Reporting Period 2010-2011
Further Analysis of the 2010 and 2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health Surveys | DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 104
Департамент “Остановить ТБ” Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) организовал консультативное совещание ряда организаций гражданского общества, проведе...ное в штаб-квартире ВОЗ в Женеве (Швейцария) с 30 сентября по 1 октября 2010 г. Цель совещания состояла в том, чтобы обменяться опытом и обсудить новые направления совместной работы по укреплению усилий в области профилактики, лечения и борьбы с ТБ во всем мире.