The Ebola crisis has impacted some of the most vulnerable areas of the world, and frontline health workers are struggling to keep pace with the outbreak. The “Training Health Workers for Ebola” series consists of four webinars, and aims to provide health workers with the clear, reliable, and tim...ely information they need to protect themselves, detect the disease, and respond.
This webinar series is offered free of charge by mPowering Frontline Health Workers and IntraHealth.
Please visit the website:
This film is the Somali language version of the English film \\\'Is your child sick?\\\' The film shows how to identify signs of sickness and malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Each of the topics are available as a separate film.
Somali version of Neonatal Resuscitation.
Filimkan wuxuu ku tusi doonaa sida hawada loogu furo ilmaha nuujada ah. Wuxuu salka ku hayaa buugga hagaha ay diyaariyeen Guddiga Hawo siinta ee UK waxaanu xoogga saarayaa tababar ku qaadashada asaasiga ah ee soo socd: Dhaxan ka ilaalinta ilmaha, Qiimeynta ...ilmaha, Furida af-sanqoodka iyo neefsiga iyo laab cadaadinta.
This film shows how to deliver and care for a newborn baby and how to resuscitate a newborn that is not breathing using a bag and mask. This film is for use in health worker training
Somali version of How to use a Partograph
Jaantuska fooshu waa aalad muhiim ah marka lala kala wareegayo macluumaad labada xilli ee shaqada. Wuxuu kuu samaynayaa sawir kaas oo u muujinaya dhaqtarka in bukaankan aanu ladnayn una baahan tahay doc wareen.
Filimkan waxaynu ku sharixi doonaa goorta... iyo sida loo isticmaalo Jaantuska Foosha iyo sida uu uga jawaabo macluumaadka la galiyo.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Adbirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
In response to the urgent need for trained health professionals to assist in the efforts to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Médecins Sans Frontières has been running training sessions in Brussels for international aid workers before they depart for the field. Below are videos used to the training sessions, helping to demonstrate infection control measures.
All videos are without sound to avoid language barriers. All videos are intended to be viewed in training sessions with an experienced Médecins Sans Frontières trainer
A free registration at vimeo is requested
A book of methods, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level
An indispensable resource for health educators, this book provides hundreds of methods, aids, and learning strategies to make health education engaging and effective, encouraging community involvement through participatory edu...cation.
You can download chapter by chapter free of charge
The previous version (2005) is freely available here
Swahili Translation of Neonatal Resuscitation for skilled healthworkers showing bag and mask resuscitation.
Decision-makers and frontline responders will find a set of resources on plague here. These resources can be used as refreshers for experienced personnel or as an introduction to the topic for everyone else. Most of the materials are available in English and French, and can be downloaded for offline... use
La version française de ce cours est disponible sur:
•Definir la Higiene de manos y las infecciones adquiridas en los hospitales (HAIs).
•Describir el impacto negativo de las HAIs en pacientes dados de alta.
•Discutir cómo la higiene de manos puede prevenir los HAIs.
•Identificar las barreras para el cumplimiento de la higiene d...e las manos.
•Describir los ”5 momentos de la Higiene de Manos”
•Identificar las formas de promover la higiene de manos en el hospital.
•Demostrar las técnicas apropiadas de la higiene de manos.
•Revise la lista de control de higiene de las manos
The SAFE Paediatric Anaesthesia course is an 'off the shelf package' supported by a facilitator manual, teaching materials and standard operating procedures. It is hoped that the course is clinically relevant and will improve the practice of anaesthesia for children to a safe standard.