This guide provides a systematic, practical approach to support primary care and other healthcare professionals to improve the care of peopel over the age of 18 years with difficult to manage asthma.
This article summarises the process involved in developing the updated guideline and includes an infographic to highlight key IPC recommendations from the guideline, following the patient care pathway from the community to a healthcare facility to discharge.
Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is a critical strategy to care for preterm and low birth weight infants in resource-limited settings. Despite evidence of its effectiveness and low cost, coverage has remained low, largely due to sociocultural barriers. We aimed to better understand social norms and commun...ity perceptions of preterm infants and KMC (facility-initiated and community-continued) in Malawi, a country with a high preterm birth rate, to inform a pilot social and behavior change program.
Men are underrepresented in HIV testing services throughout sub-Saharan Africa. HIV testing is critical to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals, as it is the first entry point to HIV care. In Malawi, an estimated 14% of HIV positive men are undiagnosed, while only 6% of HIV positive women remain undiag...nosed. Improved HIV testing among men is key to reaching UNAIDS goals, and to curbing HIV epidemics in the region.
Стратегия народосбережения в Российской Федерации — один из основных документов государственной социальной политики. Она может быть реализована различными путя...ми, в частности увеличением продолжительности жизни представителей старшего поколения. Анализ концепций старения и гендерных особенностей процесса старения, дискурс-анализ практики формирования социального и психического здоровья женщин старшего поколения позволили выделить типологию основных социальных проблем этой возрастной группы.
Globally, 85,000 women and girls were killed intentionally in 2023. 60 per cent of these homicides—51,000—were committed by an intimate partner or other family member. 140 women and girls die every day at the hands of their partner or a close relative, which means one woman or girl is killed eve...ry 10 minutes.
Реабилитационный потенциал социально-психологического сопровождения семей с проблемами химической зависимости предлагается рассматривать как ресурс преодолен...ия аддикций Актуальность исследования обусловле- на необходимостью разработки базового подхода — научно-доказательно- го обоснования организации психологической помощи семье с проблемой алкогольной и/или наркотической зависимости
ACAPS Primary Data Collection report: November 2015.
This report reflects the views and voices of 53 university students in Sierra Leone and results from a focus group discussion held at the Geography Department, at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, on 20 October 2015. As th...e response moves towards recovery and long-term development planning, the perceptions of the younger generation on the crisis highlight their priorities for the future.
Chronic Dis Int - Volume 3 Issue 1 - 2016
ISSN 2379-7983
Statistical Report | No. 39: 2013
Second Global Forum on Human Resources for Health 25 - 29 January 2011 | Bangkok, Thailand | Empower health workers for health outcomes | Reviewing progress, renewing commitments to health workers towards MDGs and beyond
This Guidance Note aims to provide an overview of entry points and means for monitoring the attendance and re-enrolment of students in the context of COVID-19 related school closures and re-openings. It is intended for UNICEF education staff, and education policy makers, planners and practitioners.
Person-centred evidence based practice (EBP)- Clinical Pocket Reference - for students, nurses and other healthcare professionals
The following information provides guidance to health care providers attending to the medical needs of HIV-infected adults (including pregnant women) or children displaced from disaster areas who have not yet secured HIV care in the areas where they have relocated.
- HHS Panel on Antiretrov...iral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents
- HHS Panel on Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Prevention of Perinatal Transmission
- HHS Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of HIV-Infected Children
- HHS Panel on Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-Infected Adults & Adolescents
- HHS Panel on Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infection in HIV-Infected Children
Design Parameters and Construction Details
The paper sets out the specific communication challenge posed by Ebola and why it was so difficult to get to grips with this in the early months of the outbreak. It thendocuments when the health communication response became more useful and explores what that tells us about effective media and commu...nication. Finally, it offers recommendations to ensure that media and communication are used to their full potential during other disease outbreaks and humanitarian crisis