This document is based on currently available scientific evidence on treatment for drug use disorders and sets out a framework for the implementation of the Standards, in line with principles of public health care. The Standards identify major components and features of effective systems for the tre...atment of drug use disorders. They describe treatment modalities and interventions to match the needs of people at different stages and severities of drug use disorders, in a manner consistent with the treatment of any chronic disease or health condition. The Standards are aspirational, and such, national or local treatment services or systems need not attempt to meet all the standards and recommendations made in this document all at once. However over time, progressive quality improvement, with ‘evidence-based and ethical practice’ as an objective, can and should be expected to achieve better organized, more effective and ethical systems and services for people with drug use disorders.
Health in All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Governments was created by the Public Health Institute, the California Department of Public Health, and the American Public Health Association in response to growing interest in using collaborative approaches to improve population health by health considerations into decision-making processes across a broad array of sectors. The Guide draws heavily on the experiences of the California Health in All Policies Task Force and incorporates information from the published and gray literature and interviews with people across the country.
The guide was developed through funding from the American Public Health Association and The California Endowment.
This guidance document provides basic principles for a spokesperson of any health authority on how to respond to vocal vaccine deniers. The suggestions are based on psychological research on persuasion, on research in public health, communication studies and on WHO risk communication guidelines.
The figures and findings reflected in the 2020 PMR represent the independent analysis of the United Nations (UN) and its humanitarian partners based on information available to them. Many of the figures provided throughout the document are estimates based on sometimes incomplete and partial data set...s using the methodologies for collection that were available at the time. The Government of Syria has expressed its reservations over the data sources and methodology of assessments used to inform the 2020 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) as well as on a number of HNO findings reflected in the 2020 HRP. This applies throughout the document.
The goal of this best practice guideline is to strengthen collaborative practice among nurses, because effective collaborative practice is essential for working in health-care organizations.
In this guideline, we focus on collaborative practice amongst three types of nursing professionals – reg...istered nurse (RN), registered practical nurse (RPN) and nurse practitioner (NP) – and explore what fosters healthy work environments for them, aware that collaboration must align with the needs of the patient or client.
This best practice guideline was developed to assist nurses, nursing leaders, other health professionals and senior managers to enhance positive outcomes for patients/clients individual/family/group/community), nurses, and the organization through intra-professional collaborative practice.
Best practice guidelines are systematically developed statements designed to assist nurses working in partnership with persons and their families to make decisions about health care and services (Field & Lohr, 1990). This nursing Best Practice Guideline (BPG) is intended to replace the RNAO BPGs Scr...eening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults (2010b) and Caregiving Strategies for Older Adults with Delirium, Dementia and Depression (2010a).
Drawing light from the pandemic: A new strategy for health and sustainable development (2021)
Available in English, French, German and Russian
Las Infecciones Asociadas a la Atención en Salud (IAAS) son reconocidas en la
actualidad como un problema de salud pública y existen lineamientos guber-
namentales en la mayoría de los países para constituir sistemas de vigilancia y
Programas de Prevención y Control de Infecciones para con...tener este fenóme-
no a nivel hospitalario.