“2022 was an eventful year for the WHO Country Office in Ghana,” says Dr Francis Kasolo, WHO Representative to Ghana.
In 2022, WHO Ghana collaborated with partners to deliver interventions in support of the Government of Ghana's health sector agenda to ensure healthy lives for all towards ach...ieving Universal Health Coverage. This 2022 annual report highlights some of the achievements that were chalked in our efforts to help promote the health and wellbeing of Ghanaians
Data from the 2011 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey
Data from the 2011 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey
Infection preventions
The standard operating procedures (SOP) for referral care cover all the refugee populations living in Lebanon. These SOPs outline the policies and procedures for referral care in Lebanon, including the limits in health assistance that can be provided.
Follow up to the Maseru Declaration. ZIMBABWE COUNTRY REPORT
Reporting Period: January 2013 - December 2013
A Handbook to Support Strengthening of Organisational Capacity in Developing Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) People in Southern Africa Accessed 7 July 2015
Mission report April 2016
All In #EndAdolescentAIDS
Global Webinar: Novel Approaches for Addressing Age of Consent as a Barrier to Adolescents' Care Utilization and Engagement
Accessed: 26.10.2019
Case Study
Accessed: 30.10.2019
Рекомендации с позиций общественного здравоохранения
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Программа по ВИЧ/СПИДу