Joining efforts to control two trelated global epidemics.
Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 2016, 4, 1-8
Published Online March 2016 in SciRes.
This companion to the ALNAP EHA Guide offers protection-specific insights for evaluators and evaluation commissioners across the humanitarian sector. It covers the planning, data management and analysis phases of evaluation and addresses a range of challenges that – whilst not all unique to protec...tion – are often exacerbated by the contexts in which protection activities typically take place. Challenges addressed include those arising from the multi-faceted nature of protection activities, the difficulty understanding cause-effect relationships underlying protection risks, and the challenges of accessing and managing very sensitive data, sometimes drawn from communities in conflict.
Indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on Ending AIDS
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
GHWA Task Force on Scaling Up Education and Training for Health Workers
The standard operating procedures (SOP) for referral care cover all the refugee populations living in Lebanon. These SOPs outline the policies and procedures for referral care in Lebanon, including the limits in health assistance that can be provided.
The U.S. President‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
The revised package of BFHI materials includes five sections: 1. Background and Implementation, 2. Strengthening and Sustaining the BFHI: A course for decision-makers, 3. Breastfeeding Promotion and Support in a Baby-friendly Hospital: a 20-hour course for maternity staff, 4. Hospital Self-Appraisal... and Monitoring, and 5. External Assessment and Reassessment. Sections 1 to 4 are widely available while section 5 is for limited distribution.
NGO Social Contracting
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
Based on further analysis of the 2004 Kenya Service Provision Assessment Survey
This survey is part of a series of eight country surveys conducted in the context of the People that Deliver Initiative ( This global initiative, which brings together the world’s largest organizations, aims to improve health services performance through the professionalizat...ion of logistics managers.
In eastern and southern Africa
July 2018
- A global call to action
- Case studies
- Blogs
- Next steps