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Free and open source tool of choice for tens of thousands of humanitarians, development practitioners, global health workers, and researchers around the world. KoBoToolbox is a suite of tools for field data collection for use in challenging environments.Quickly collecting reliable information in a h...umanitarian crisis – especially following a natural disaster such as a large earthquake or a typhoon taking place in a poor country – is the critical link to saving the lives of the most vulnerable. Download the software directly from the website
Namibia guideline for submission of applications for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use in common technical document format.
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 37.
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 29.
What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Do