Handout presentations in PDF for illustrating lectures
Accessed May 2014
Document also available in Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to http://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/parents-and-carers/fact-sheets/teeth-caring-for-your-childs-teeth
Humanitarian Health Ethics Analysis Tool (HHEAT) worksheet is a component of the HHEAT Handbook produced by the Humanitarian Health Ethics Network
Research Article
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:91/1471-2334/14/91
Working with parent groups – a training resource for facilitators, parents, caregivers, and persons with cerebral palsy
Different situations, risks, recommendations. Short brochure with pictograms. Available in: English, Turkish, French, Russian at: http://www.bzga.de/infomaterialien/fremdsprachige-materialien/ AND German at: http://www.bzga.de/infomaterialien/aidsaufklärung/hiv-übertragung-und-aids-gefahr/
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation and accounts for nearly one quarter of the continent’s maternal, newborn and child deaths. In the spirit of the global Countdown to 2015 for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the Nigerian Saving One Million Lives Initiative, these state data profiles... have been designed to prompt and inform policy and programme action.
Without data there can be no accountability. Without accountability we risk making no progress for Nigeria’s women and children. The data included in these profiles come mainly from large-scale, periodic household surveys. Continued efforts are needed to strengthen civil registration, vital statistics and health management information systems, as well as the institutional capacity to gather and use these data.
Updated from 2011, these data profiles can be used to compare progress in different areas, identify opportunities to address specific coverage gaps, and monitor implementation.
Inclusive Project Cycle Management - This table includes some commonly used M&E tools that are likely to be relevant for the kind of work undertaken by CBM and its partners.
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies ; Vol.27 No.1 May 2012 ; Page 34-39
Q 2: How long should treatment with antidepressants continue in adults with depressive episode/disorder?
Use this checklist to see if your store meets all the requirements. Last revised 2015.
Original Word document on: http://www.epnetwork.org/Resources/Standard%20Operating%20Procedure/Physical%20Conditions%20checklist_Form.doc
Second Global Forum on Human Resources for Health 25 - 29 January 2011 | Bangkok, Thailand | Empower health workers for health outcomes | Reviewing progress, renewing commitments to health workers towards MDGs and beyond
The ASSIST package is developed to help the primary health professionals to detect and manage substance use and related problems in primary and general medical care settings.
Download the ASSIST screening test version 3.0 and feedback card
The ASSIST screening test version 3.0 is availa...ble in English and in 10 other languages (Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Portugüse, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian).