English Analysis on World about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Epidemic and more; published on 01 Feb 2022 by Action Against Hunger
This guideline covers indoor air quality in residential buildings. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of good air quality in people's homes and how to achieve this.
This guideline covers road-traffic-related air pollution and its links to ill health. It aims to improve air quality and so prevent a range of health conditions and deaths.
The world agreed to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Nine planetary boundaries set an upper limit to Earth system impacts of human activity in the long run. Conventional efforts to achieve the 14 socio-economic goals will raise pressure on planetary boundaries, moving the world away... from the three environmental SDGs. We have created a simple model, Earth3, to measure how much environmental damage follows from achievement of the 14 socio-economic goals, and we propose an index to track effects on people’s wellbeing. Extraordinary efforts will be needed to achieve all SDGs within planetary boundaries.
MEDBOX Issue Brief no. 19: World TB Day: Invest to end TB. Save Lives
Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3: 469–77
Lancet Planet Health 2020; 4: e271–79
The Urban Health Initiative promotes tools and guidance to assess the health impacts of air pollution and the health benefits of sustainable development in energy, transportation, land-use and waste.
This policy paper outlines key health financing policy actions for countries to ensure universal access to health services and financial protection for people fleeing conflict. It focuses on three policy areas – granting entitlement and ensure access to the full range of needed health services for... people fleeing conflict, making additional funding available and strengthening purchasing arrangements. Policy guidance is illustrated using country examples from Europe. The paper’s recommendations are relevant to all countries in Europe.
During the first two years of the project (2019–2020), through a ‘One Health’ approach, comprehensive engagement was established with AMR coordinating committees, WHO regional and country offices and SORT IT partners in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Thirty-seven research studies were ...launched to inform AMR action plans in target country studies – local research, for local solutions, with local ownership.
Front. Public Health, 30 April 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.628744
One Earth Perspective. Cell Press
February 2020Earth's Future 8(2):e2019EF001377.The water planetary boundary attempts to provide a global limit to anthropogenic water cycle modifications, but it has been challenging to translate and apply it to the regional and local scales at which water problems and management typically occur. We... develop a cross‐scale approach by which the water planetary boundary could guide sustainable water management and governance at subglobal contexts defined by physical features (e.g., watershed or aquifer), political borders (e.g., city, nation, or group of nations), or commercial entities (e.g., corporation, trade group, or financial institution).
Project Drawdown (2022) provides evidence of how climate solutions can also be win-win opportunities for meeting development and human well-being needs while boosting prosperity for rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The report summarizes the co-benefits of five groups of a subs...et of Project Drawdown climate solutions (28 total solutions) for advancing human well-being in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries
Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028
Available in different languages from the website https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/publications/