Recent systematic reviews and meta-analysis of the impact of chemical-based mollusciciding (King et al., 2015, Sokolow et al., 2016) have concluded that regular mollusciciding is likely to contribute significantly towards elimination of schistosomiasis in high-risk areas. The WHO roadmap’s new on “transmission control, wherever possible” (WHO, 2012a) reinforces the need to promote intermediate-host snail control to prevent schistosomiasis transmission.
This operational manual is intended to facilitate the reintroduction of practices and protocols for use of molluscicides in the field in schistosomiasis control programmes. It is complemented by guidelines on the laboratory and field testing of the efficacy of molluscicides for schistosomiasis control (WHO, 2017 [in preparation]).
Guidelines for the registration of microbial, botanical and semiochemical pest control agents for plant protection and public health uses.
These guidelines are intended to guide pesticide regulatory authorities in the registration of microbial, botanical, and semiochemical pest control agents for p...lant protection and public health uses.
When setting national drinking-water quality regulations and standards, many countries consider the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ). To better understand the extent to which the GDWQ are used and reflected in these standards, this global review summarizes information from 104... countries and territories on values specified in national drinking-water quality standards for aesthetic, chemical, microbiological and radiological parameters.
The information provided will support regulatory agencies and other key stakeholders to access and compare data when setting or revising national drinking-water quality regulations and standards.
This guidance document sets out a methodology to identify and track financing to the WASH sector in a coherent and consistent manner across several countries. It is designed to help countries track financing to the WASH sector on a regular and comparable basis and analyse this information to support... evidence-based policy-making based on useful indicators.
Reporting Period 2010-2011
L'eau potable et les services d'assainissement et d'hygiène (WASH) sont essentiels à la prévention des 17 maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) pour lesquelles une intensification de la lutte ou l'élimination sont prévues à l'horizon 2020.
La fourniture d’eau potable et de services d’...assainissement et d’hygiène est l’une des cinq interventions clés inscrite dans la feuille de route mondiale contre les MTN. Pourtant, à ce jour, la composante WASH de la stratégie n’a reçu que peu d’attention et le potentiel lié à la mise en commun des efforts WASH et MTN reste largement inexploité.
Des efforts ciblés sur la composante WASH sont nécessaires de toute urgence pour atteindre les cibles de la feuille de route mondiale contre les MTN.
En s’appuyant sur les ODD et sur la Stratégie mondiale, ainsi que sur la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant (CRC) et sur la Convention sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes (CEDAW ), l’UNICEF imagine un monde où aucun enfant ne décède maladies évitables, et où chacun d’entre eux réalise pleinement son potentiel sur le plan de la santé et du bien-être. Pour les cinq premières années (2016-20), la Stratégie de l’UNICEF en matière de santé (ci-après dénommée «la Stratégie») fixe deux grands objectifs :
1. Mettre fin aux décès évitables de mères, de nouveau-nés et d’enfants;
2. Promouvoir la santé et le développement de tous les enfants.
Pour atteindre ces objectifs, la Stratégie prend en considération les besoins des enfants en matière de santé à tous les stades de la vie.
National Action Plan: Programmatic Management of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Control Indonesia
Handbook World Aids Day 2014
We have long been working to prevent and end sexual violence in armed conflicts and to ensure that the countless victims – men, women, boys and girls – receive the help they need.
In this document, we examine sexual violence specifically in relation to people deprived of their liberty. We c...onsider why individuals are at risk of sexual violence in detention and how to prevent and reduce that risk. We also set out some potential steps to take when sexual violence occurs.
This report identifies and analyses policies and laws which currently include of Persons with disabilities in social protection specifically the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme and considers some of the gaps in the VUP norms which prevent the successful inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
Consultancy to conduct desk review on impact of national policies and programs on disability rights and develop an action plan to make existing policies and programs and legislation disability friendly
The objective of the evaluation is to understand whether the CHW program has achieved its intended objectives, thus contributing to the overarching objectives defined in the HSSP III of improving the health status of the population by “Ensuring universal accessibility of quality health services fo...r all Rwandans”.
This evaluation has focused on CHWs, who are selected, trained and deployed by the MoH to deliver a defined set of tasks at community level. CHWs are the central element of the Community Health Policy and of the community health strategy plan (CHSP) of the MoH.
The survey was conducted in early 2015. Respondents were 347 people living with HIV in seven (7) towns/districts of five (5) departments of the Republic of the Congo.
The report reflects on the trends, achievements and challenges in global health over the past decade during which Dr Margaret Chan has been Director-General of WHO. It discusses the role of WHO in dealing with such issues as the rise of noncommunicable diseases, leaps in life expectancy, and emergin...g threats like climate change and antimicrobial resistance.