(Advance unedited version)
Since May 2019, Confirmation of 4 new emergence of type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV2) in Bambari (2) and Bimbo (2) health districts without any genetic link between them and other known viruses ; Bambari Health District: CAF-RS4-BAM-19-058, onset of paralysis: May 02, 2019. 07 positive contac...ts with the same genetic link. Community samples CAF-RS4-BAM-19-058CC14 and CAF-RS4-BAM-19-058CC17 positive, genetically related to each other but not genetically linked to the CAF-RS4-BAM-19-058 index case (new emergence)
Healthy Diets From Sustainable Food Systems. Summary Report of the EAT Lancet Commission
This report was prepared by EAT and is an adapted summary of the Commission Food in The Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets From Sustainable Food Systems.
To access the EAT–Lancet Comm...ission Hub page at The Lancet on the website
You can download the Summary Report in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Demographic and Health Surveys, Working Paper
Technical guidance.
This technical guidance aims to inform policy and practice development specifically related to improving the health of older refugees and migrants within the European Union and the larger WHO European Region. Both ageing and migration are in themselves complex multidimensional p...rocesses shaped by a range of factors at the micro, meso and macro levels over the life-course of the individual, but also with intertwined trajectories. Relevant areas for policy-making include healthy ageing over the life-course, supportive environments, people-centred health and long-term care services, and strengthening the evidence base and research
Recommendations• NGOs should provide MHPSS services with a focus on empowerment and self-reliance
• Introduce interventions focusing on pain mechanisms, coping strategies and physical resilience
• Implement livelihood programmes
• Increase service accessibility and outreach activ...ities
• Provide support groups for people who have lost a close family member
• Highlight the importance of supervision and training
• Ensure high quality service provisions by applying relevant outcome measures and to further contribute to the evidence base for MHPSS
• Diversify MHPSS activities to different target groups, including men and women, and address the needs of elderly and individuals with disabilities
This study provides evidence of a large gap between the need of MHPSS among Syrian refugees and provided services. Of the 1082 respondents in this study, 62% expressed that they needed assistance to deal with physical pain and distress. Almost 80% reported being in pain, of which 27% were in severe or very severe pain. Additionally, 55% suffer from distress and 56% rate their own health as fair or poor. Even among the 18-25-yearolds, the prevalence of reporting their overall health as fair was 30.7%. For functionality levels, 28.5% felt severely or extremely emotionally affected by their health problems, and more than 20% had serious difficulties in doing day-to-day work. On the other hand, the majority (72-74%) had no problems in maintaining friendships and participating in community activities
Ce document a été élaboré par Peter Ventevogel, consultant, sous la supervision de Marian Schilperoord. Les versions préliminaires de cette publication ont grandement bénéficié de la contribution de plusieurs personnes au sein de l’UNHCR et d’organisations partenaires. Nous voudrions tou...t particulièrement remercier les collègues suivants pour leur relecture du document : A l’UNHCR: Gregory Garras, Sarah Harrison, Alexandra Kaun, Stefanie Krause, Preeta Law, Allen Gidraf Kahindo Maina, MaryBeth Morand, Audrey Nirrengarten, Martina Nicole Pomeroy, Monika Sandvik-Nylund, Ita Sheehy, Paul Spiegel, Margriet Veenma and Constanze Quosh. Dans les autres organisations: Carolina Echeverri (consultante SMSPS) Sabine Rakotomalala (UNICEF), Emmanuel Streel (consultant SMSPS), Wietse Tol (Université Johns Hopkins) Mark van Ommeren (OMS) et Inka Weissbecker (International Medical Corps).
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23 July 2018
Meeting Report
SDG Factsheet: Health-focused urban design can roll back the epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), making cities a bedrock for healthy lifestyles – as well as climate-friendly and resilient. WHO’s new Urban Health Initiative provides a model for the health sector to contribute to healthy ...urban planning and policies.
NGO Social Contracting
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
F1000Research 2019, 8:323 Last updated: 17 MAY 2019