Healthy Settings, a key component of Malawi’s Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) 2011–2016, is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) holistic community-led approach to achieving health improvement by addressing social determinants of health, an approach which is central to the current WHO fra...mework on integrated people-centred health services. Healthy Settings projects by their construct have many different components which vary from one group and community to another depending on their priorities: from housing, hospital improvements and waste management to “softer” interventions like leadership skills training and health promotion. It can be challenging to find relevant indicators to monitor and assess the impact of such a complex holistic project, this paper explores if social capital data can provide useful impact assessment indicators at the start of such a project.
An estimated 1.3 billion people globally experience significant disability. This figure has grown over the last decade and will continue to rise due to demographic and epidemiological changes. In 2022, the World Health Organization launched the Global report on health equity for persons with disabil...ities. This report demonstrated that many persons with disabilities are still being left behind. Experiencing persistent health inequities, persons with disabilities die earlier, they have poorer health and functioning, and they are more affected by health emergencies than the general population. These differences are largely associated with unjust factors both inside and beyond the health sector and are avoidable. The Global Report called upon Member States to take actions to make health sector more inclusive for persons with disabilities through the primary health care approach. This will be essential for countries to make health coverage truly universal and to progress towards other health-related targets in the sustainable development goals.
The Haiti Earthquake and Cholera Emergency appeal (MDRHT018) was implemented by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in collaboration with the Haitian Red Cross Society (HRCS) following the devastating earthquake on 14 August 2021, and the cholera outbreak on 2... October 2022.
The social protection landscape for people affected by TB in the WHO South-East Asia Region
The target audience of this document (and the associated online companion tool) includes WHO country offices
in Member States of the African Region; Member States’ ministries of health and their public health emergency
operation centres; relevant external assessment teams; and partners looking... to identify preparedness gaps and
support interventions that help address them. In the event of a suspected or confirmed VHF case, the document also serves to provide any intervening partner with a sense of what structures should be in place, in order to guide
scale-up activities in line with regional and national plans.
The Disability inclusion guide for action supports ministries of health and their partners in both advancing health equity for persons with disabilities by identifying entry points, and planning appropriate actions that strengthen the health system through disability inclusion. It focuses on the contributing factors which relate to the health system – namely, the attitudinal,
institutional, and physical barriers faced by persons with disabilities across all health system building blocks. Such factors include the exclusion of persons with disabilities in governance and decision-making processes in the health sector; gaps in knowledge, negative attitudes, and discriminatory practices among the health and care workforce; inaccessible physical infrastructure, health
information and communication; and a lack of information or data collection and analysis on disability in monitoring and evaluation in the health system.
The push to immunize all children against polio has been hampered by the ongoing crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic. WHO and UNICEF have appealed to all parties to cooperate, including through temporary pauses in hostilities where needed, to allow vaccination campaigns to take place and for all chil...dren to be protected.
Patient information on treatment with antibiotics. English version. Also available in: Arabic, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Turkish. For other language versions go to:
Patient information on asthma and COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Patient information on COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Patient information on COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Deutsch-arabisches Handbuch für die Krankenhausbehandlung arabisch sprechender Patienten entwickelt vom syrischen Neurologen Eyad Rajab von der Alexianer Klinik Bosse Wittenberg.
Inhaltlich begleitet das Handbuch den gesamten Aufenthaltsprozess eines Patienten in der Klinik für Neurologie. Es er...fasst die zehn häufigsten neurologischen Notfälle bei jüngeren Patienten und klärt über dringende Untersuchungen auf.
Zu den wichtigsten neurologischen Differentialdiagnosen, die in dem Handbuch abgedeckt werden gehören: akuter Schmerz, insb. Kopfschmerz, Schlaganfall, akute Bewusstseinsstörung und Schwindel.
Das Manual ist in Hocharabisch verfasst. Es ist verständlich für Menschen aus arabischsprachigen Ländern sowie aus Teilen Afghanistans und Irans.
For national authorities and health care practitioners
The third corridor for delivery of humanitarian assistance from Sudan to South Sudan is open.
In response to the drastic increase in humanitarian needs, WFP continues to scale up its assistance in Eastern Equatoria, Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Lakes states.
Construction w...orks of four cross-drainage structures along Juba-Kajo Keji road under WFP’s Feeder Road project have been completed as planned.
Genre et Sécurité : Orientations pour l’intégration du genre à la gestion des risques de sécurité propose aux ONG des lignes directrices complémentaires pour intégrer la dimension genre à la gestion des risques de sécurité, afin de combler un vide dans les publications existantes et d...émettre des recommandations vitales au niveau opérationnel. Les objectifs de ce document sont les suivants : 1. Encourager une prise de conscience générale sur la notion de genre et sur sa pertinence dans le contexte de la gestion des risques de sécurité. 2. Attirer l’attention sur les aspects du genre à prendre en compte et fournir des recommandations, tant au niveau du siège d’organisations qu’au niveau pays et du terrain, qui peuvent être intégrées au cadre de gestion des risques de sécurité existant ou sont susceptibles de le compléter.
Según esta investigación, existen muchos y diferentes niveles de comprensión sobre qué significa el género en la práctica de la seguridad, dentro de la amplia esfera de la ayuda humanitaria, del desarrollo y en los entornos operacionales. Los objetivos del presente documento son de generar co...nciencia sobre el género y su relación con la gestión de riesgos de seguridad, y proporcionar enfoques y orientaciones específicos de género a nivel de sedes centrales y de misión/terreno que puedan ser integradas en el marco existente de gestión de riesgos de seguridad y/o complementarlo.