Vaccins antirabiques: Note de synthèse de l’OMS – avril 2018
Weekly epidemiological record / Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire
20 APRIL 2018, 93th YEAR / 20 AVRIL 2018, 93e ANNÉE
Key Malaria Indicators from the 2017 Rwanda Malaria Indicator Survey - The table in this key indicator report provides estimates of key indicators for the country as a whole and for each of the five provinces in Rwanda.
Weekly epidemiological record/ Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 4 AUGUST 2017, 92th YEAR / 4 AOÛT 2017, 417-436
HIV patient monitoring and case surveillance
Summary Findings and Recommendations
This volume on CVDs, renal, and respiratory disorders has particularly high value. It carries the potential to become the most effective game-changer in global health by helping all countries to combat, contain, and control the biggest killer presently prowling the globe and by enabling us to reach ...the 2030 goals for NCDs and health overall. As one who has witnessed the epidemic of CVDs advance menacingly across the world in the past four decades, I fervently hope that the clear and convincing messages conveyed by the extensively researched and elegantly communicated analyses in this volume will be heard, heeded, and harmonized with policy and practice in all countries.
Large file: 33 MB. Please download directly from the website link.
A tool for measuring alcohol policy implementation
Basic Expectations for Safe Care
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Policy briefs produced for FP2020 and other countries, presenting analysis of Family Planning Effort (FPE) scores from the current and previous rounds. Research and policy implications based on the analyses are also presented.