Interium guidance, 25 June 2021Timely and accurate diagnostic testing is an essential tool in preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19. This document describes recommendations for national testing strategies and the use of PCR and rapid antigen tests in different transmission scenarios of t...he COVID-19 outbreak, including how testing might be rationalized in low resource settings. All testing should be followed by a strong public health response including isolating those who test positive and providing them care, contact tracing and quarantine of contacts.
Self-care interventions are among the most promising and exciting new approaches to improve health and well-being, both from a health systems perspective and for people who use these interventions.
The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the following working definition of self-care: Self-care i...s the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker. The scope of self-care as described in this definition includes health promotion; disease prevention and control; self-medication; providing care to dependent persons; seeking hospital/specialist/primary care if necessary; and rehabilitation, including palliative care. It includes a range of self-care modes and approaches. While this is a broad definition that includes many activities, it is important for health policy to recognize the importance of self-care, especially where it intersects with health systems and health professionals.
The new Global AIDS Strategy 2021--2026, End Inequalities, End AIDS, is a bold approach that uses an inequalities lens to close the gaps preventing progress to end AIDS
A job aid for non-specialist health professionals
Background paper 10
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
May 2021
Background paper 13
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
May 2021
Handlungsempfehlungen für Unterkünfte für geflüchtete Menschen in Niedersachsen.
Im Rahmen des vom BMFSFJ geförderten Projektes "Kinder schützen - Strukturen stärken! Kinderschutzstandards in Unterkünften für geflüchtete Menschen" von Save the Children in Kooperation mit Plan Internati...onal wurden verschiedene Materialien und Arbeitshilfen zur Verankerung des Kinderschutzes gemeinsam mit drei Landesministerien entwickelt.
Mit dem One Health Ansatz für gesunde Menschen, gesunde Tiere und eine gesunde Umwelt weltweit. Briefing paper.
Der One Health Ansatz nimmt das Zusammenspiel der Gesundheit von Mensch, Tier und Umwelt in
den Blick. Der Ansatz betont den Mehrwert einer trans-, multi- und interdisziplinären Zusamm...enarbeit zu den verschiedenen Themenbereichen. Ein multi-dimensionaler One Health Ansatz hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen und wird nun von verschiedenen Akteuren als Ansatz zur Prävention und Reaktion auf zukünftige Pandemien gesehen