In: Mental health nursing: dimensions of praxis. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 427-442. ISBN 9780195566963
This chapter introduces you to the importance of culturally based health and well-being and to health care delivered by mental health nurses. There is a need for mental h...ealth professionals to incorporate knowledge about these beliefs and to develop the skills to work with clients from cultures other than their own if they are to care for them effectivel
Guiding Principles and Recommendations
Q13: What is the effectiveness of behaviour change techniques including life skills education in promoting mental health for children and adolescents?
(Updated 2015)
Scoping question: What is the effectiveness of caregiver skills training in the management of children and adolescents with developmental disorders?
(New 2015)
Scoping question: Within the context of mental health and developmental assessment of children and youth, what are the effective strategies for detecting maltreatment?
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
Below you can find a sampleoutline of a training that you couldadapt to your time frameand audience on Social Accountability in Medical Schools.The completesample trainingwould last around3hours. The suggested number of participants is 20.The accompanying slides are in a separate Powerpoint document....This handout is part of the IFMSA/THEnet Students' Toolkit on Social Accountability in Medical Schools. Find the full toolkit and list of tools, including the slidesat
This toolkit will help you to plan and run an event that helps to change the way that people in your community think about, and behave towards, people with mental health problems
The first chapter provides an overview of gender and domestic violence in the HIV and AIDS discourse and their interconnect-
edness. It analyses literature regarding gender and HIV transmission, domestic violence, and HIV and AIDS. It then discusses how gender roles impact the effects of AIDS.
The... second chapter outlines implications of these findings for policy and practice. This section provides a definition for mainstreaming and deals with various aspects of mainstreaming HIV, AIDS and gender.
Mental health conditions affect one in 10 people at any one time and account for a large proportion of non-fatal disease burden. There is a high degree of comorbidity between mental health conditions such as depression and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, diab...etes and alcohol-use disorders. Mental disorders share common features with other NCDs, including many underlying causes and overarching consequences, their high interdependency and tendency to co-occur, and their predilection to being best managed using integrated approaches.
The number of general health staff skilled in psychological treatment for depression is limited, and learning psychological treatments tends to require considerable training and supervision. Relaxation may be a relatively simple form of psychological treatment. It has been frequently studied in rese...arch studies as an active condition and as a control condition.
Q 5: Is relaxation training better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in adults with depressive episode/disorder?
Mental health problems represent the greatest global burden of disease among children and adolescents. There is, however, lack of policy development and implementation for child and adolescent mental health (CAMH), particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where children and adolescen...ts represent up to 50% of populations. South Africa, an upper-middle income country is often regarded as advanced in health and social policy-making and implementation in comparison to other LMICs. It is, however, not clear whether this is the case for CAMH.
Europe PMC Funders Group
Author Manuscript
Arch Dis Child. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 November 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Arch Dis Child. 2013 May ; 98(5): 323–327. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-302079.
The 2014-2015 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia resulted in over 10,000 cases and 5,000 deaths. Recognizing the importance of addressing children’s trauma, the Ebola recovery and restoration trust fund (EERTF) funded the implementation of a Comfort for kids (C4K) program which encou...rages psychological healing, and promotes resilience in children who have experienced a crisis or disaster. The C4K program in Liberia was implemented between January 2015 and December 2016 in fifteen townships in Montserrado County through a collaboration between Mercy Corps Liberia, the World Bank’s Liberian health task team, and the government of Liberia. C4K primarily centers on the My Story workbook and associated classroom activities, which provide children with the opportunity to express their emotions about their experiences through drawing, writing, and facilitated discussion. C4K also provides capacity building for parents, teachers, and other caretakers on how to identify and more effectively respond to children’s trauma responses and to support their recovery
This literature review summarizes the link between psychological well-being and entrepreneurial outcomes for small and medium-size enterprises in fragile, conflict, and violence–affected contexts. It identifies potentially promising, scalable psychosocial training interventions, based on cognitive...-behavioral therapy approaches, that can be adapted and implemented to improve psychological health at the individual level, that could lead to better business performance at the firm level.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 115
Q13: Are strategies aimed at improving community attitudes towards mental, neurological and substance use conditions (e.g. anti-stigma campaigns) feasible and effective?
Прочитав эту главу, вы познакомитесь с тем, как пользоваться данными исследований с наименьшими систематическими и случайными ошибками, что поможет вам принимать ...правильные клинические решения и наиболее эффективно помогать обратившимся за помощью и нуждающимся в лечении молодым людям.