DOI 10.15252/emmm.201404792 |Published online 30.12.2014
EMBO Molecular Medicine(2014)emmm.201404792
This Technical Brief focuses on current principles and approaches to Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) management, highlighting key constraints, gaps in knowledge and areas still lacking consensus. It is intended to inform ongoing debates among practitioners, national partners, donors and analysts o...n what information and evidence on best practices are currently available, where the gaps are, and priorities for going forward.
The Global status report on violence prevention 2014, which reflects data from 133 countries, is the first report of its kind to assess national efforts to address interpersonal violence, namely child maltreatment, youth violence, intimate partner and sexual violence, and elder abuse. Jointly publis...hed by WHO, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the report reviews the current status of violence prevention efforts in countries, and calls for a scaling up of violence prevention programmes; stronger legislation and enforcement of laws relevant for violence prevention; and enhanced services for victims of violence.
You can download summaries in different languages, single chapters and graphics
This Technical Brief reviews current practice and evidence on nutrition-specific preventive approaches to MAM, providing practical guidance for implementers and programme managers, and highlighting gaps in evidence and guidance.
The free App empowers individuals to learn about Ebola; separating fact from fiction, especially in these uncertain times. Ebola – What you need to know provides users on-the-go with easy to access information – available 24/7, both online and offline
Available for download on Android and... Apple iOS, key features include:
Latest news and development on Ebola
Outbreak outlook
Maps showing affected areas
Live International SOS twitter feed
Educational video on staying safe whilst travelling
Push notifications for key information to keep you informed and safe
Access to the International SOS Ebola website with downloadable resources
The WASH in Ebola DROPBOX (click to access on hte website supports operational agencies responding to Ebola providing all available technical guidelines, manuals, coordination and training related information. The DROP...BOX continues to be updated on regular basis, if you have any relevant documents to share, please send them to
This page enables users to be directly linked to the technical Q&A platform in order to ask questions to Ebola Specialists in real-time. It also aims at providing up-to-date WASH guidelines, manuals and news in evolving Ebola response. Users can access the platform by clicking the link below or dire...ctly ask a question using the ASK button on the right-hand side on the website
Preliminary Key Findings from Interviews in Accra on the Ebola Response
WiderNet@UNC and the WiderNet Project have established the Ebola Emergency Response Library initiative to create a pocket library for people, especially local health care workers in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, responding to the Ebola crisis in Africa.
They are collecting high-quality resources for everyone from physicians and researchers to families, teachers, media outlets, social workers, and school children.
While this collection is available on the World Wide Web for those who have Internet access, the resources can be distributed on micro chips for use in smartphones, tablets, and laptops in places that lack internet access. The chips can be freely copied so that the information spreads faster than the disease.
The Internet version of the Ebola Pocket Library can be viewed at:
The downloadable version can be found here:
Download the Ebola Pocket Library
The revised guidelines present two major changes to existing guidelines: (A) there are now just 2 categories of pneumonia instead of 3 (“pneumonia” which is treated at home with oral amoxicillin and “severe pneumonia” which requires injectable antibiotics) and (B) oral amoxicillin replaces o...ral cotrimoxazole as first line treatment, preferably in 250mg dispersible tablet form, twice daily for five days which can be reduced to three days in low HIV settings.
Ebola online Training cours in French
It is important for all people in regions threatened by Ebola to understand basic issues related to the disease. This module offers non-professionals a useful overview of Ebola, including how people contract Ebola, who is at highest risk and the signs and sympt...oms of the illness. The module describes what Ebola does to the human body and tells you what you should do if you think you or a friend or family member has Ebola. Further, the module looks at how the illness is diagnosed, how it is treated and how to protect yourself against it.
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. Hindi version
Accessed 18 December 2014
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. Marathi version
Accessed 13 January 2015
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. Spanish version
Accessed 13 January 2015
Want to build a tippy tap? Want to teach someone else how to? Here is a graphical manual that works for both literate and illiterate populations. Afrikaans version
Accessed 13 January 2015
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Hindi version
Accessed 13 January 2015
These posters are great for tippy taps that are built in public areas like schools or village meeting areas. They list the benefits of the tippy tap as well as highlight a country or region specific hand washing statistic.
Marathi version
Accessed 13 January 2015