La crise humanitaire récente qui a sévit en Centrafrique a entrainé l’arrivée d’un nombre important d’acteurs humanitaires dans le pays, afin de pouvoir répondre aux besoins considérables des populations vulnérables. Cet afflux d’acteurs humanitaires, combiné aux changements politico...-sécuritaires dans le pays, ont eu pour conséquence, entres autres, de rendre plus difficile, et l’importation de biens nécessaires à l’assistance humanitaire dans le pays. En effet, bien que la Lois des finances ( 2015) et différends Arrêtés
Cancellation of scheduled surgery leads to operating theatre under-occupancy and is recognised as a major cause of emotional trauma to patients and their families. This study aimed to assess the incidence of elective surgery cancellation in order to make proposals for healthcare improvement.
During this work, a survey on essential medicines availability was conducted. This article was first written on this subject for sharing the poor financial availability of the essential medicines in the hospital and secondly, a call for an action to be taken in improving hospital pharmacies developm...ent in each hospital in Burkina Faso.
Le profil pharmaceutique du pays présente des données sur les conditions socioéconomiques existantes et celles de la santé, les ressources, les structures règlementaires, les processus et les résultats relatifs au secteur pharmaceutique au Burkina-Faso. Ce document a pour but de compiler toute...s les informations existantes et pertinentes sur le secteur pharmaceutique et de les diffuser auprès du grand public d’une manière accessible.
Accesed on 20.03.2020
L’inaccessibilité géographique et financière aux structures de soins est
entre autres des facteurs limitant le nombre de bénéficiaires. D’où la nécessité
de mettre en place un centre ophtalmologique.
L’objectif étant de rendre les services de soi...ns oculaires accessibles à nos
populations afin de réduire les causes majeures de la cécité. Une réponse que
nous estimons adéquate aux besoins de la communauté afin de permettre aux
personnes avec déficience visuelle de s’intégrer dans le processus de
développement engagé dans le diocèse et même du pays entier.
Le coût du projet estimé est à apprécier par Lions Club Acacia et MK
ONLUS Italiana par rapport à sa pertinence et son intérêt pour les bénéficiaires.
C’est pourquoi en tant qu’une organisation oeuvrant dans la lutte contre
la cécité sous toutes ses formes et de la pertinence de la présente activité qui
cadre avec les nobles missions de l’Eglise ainsi que du Ministère de la Santé,
nous sollicitons un appui adéquat pour la mise en place de cette structure et
son équipement au profit des bénéficiaires.
Burkina Faso has approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and is divided into 30 provinces. The study took place in the districts of Tougan, Nouna, and Solenzo, in provinces Sourou and Kossi, in north-west Burkina Faso. There is one medical centre in every district capital and 6 to 14 health centres i...n the surrounding villages. Each health centre covers a population of 10 000 to 15 000. The staff of one health centre generally consists of one nurse, a nurse aid and a midwife as well as one drug vendor for the nearby village pharmacy. The health personnel are trained and paid by the state.
L'objectif de la cartographie est d'obtenir une vision claire et précise des systèmes et politiques d'approvisionnement, de distribution et de financement des produits pharmaceutiques existants au Burkina Faso et de déterminer leur pertinence, leur cohérence et leurs forces et faiblesses en d’efficacité, d’efficience, de durabilité et d’impact à long terme au regard des normes et recommandations nationales, régionales et internationales relatives à la règlementation et aux bonnes pratiques pharmaceutiques et à l'efficacité de l'aide.
The infectious disease burden in India is among the highest in the world. A large amount of antibiot-ics are consumed in fighting infections, some of them saving lives, but every use adding to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Antibiotic use is increasing steadily (table 1), particularly ... certain antibiotic classes (beta-lactam antibacterials), most notably in the more prosperous states. Resistance follows in lock-step.
The Ethiopian Hospital Services Transformation Guidelines (EHSTG) build on and expand the Ethiopian Hospital Reform Implementation Guidelines (EHRIG) and are consistent with the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). The EHSTG, which is consistent with the national focu...s on quality improvement in health care, contains a common set of guidelines to help hospital Chief Executive Officers(CEOs), managers, and clinicians (care providers) in steering the consistent implementation of these transformational systems and processes in hospitals throughout the country. The EHSTG focused on selected management and clinical functions, including new individual service specific chapters for Emergency Medical, Outpatient and Inpatient Services, Nursing and Midwifery, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health and Teaching Hospitals’ Management. These guidelines also incorporate recent lessons from the operationalization of the EHRIG, as well as, new national initiatives such as the Guidelines for the Management of Federal Hospitals in Ethiopia, Hospital Development Army (HDA), Clean and Safe Hospital (CASH), and Auditable Pharmaceutical Transaction and Service (APTS).
II10 Pharmacy ChapterIt is expected that the guidelines will continuously evolve as new evidence emerges regarding improved hospital care and practices that are better tailored to needs and circumstances of different tiers of public hospitals. We are grateful to all partners that have participated in the production of these guidelines. Special thanks go to our colleagues at the Clinton Health Access Initiative for their substantial contributions and support throughout the development of these guidelines as well as their dedicated efforts in support of our health reform efforts in so many other capacities
August 2020.
Essential diagnostic products areconsidered an integral part of UHC, they are an indispensable element for delivery ofservices andare also a requirement for qualitycare. Despite this realization, a review of the UHC pilot in September 2019 es...tablished that whereas the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) was able to fill up to 80% of pharmaceutical items, the order fill rate for diagnostic products was less than 50 percent for level 2 and 3 facilities and as low as 30 percent for level 4 and 5 facilities.