WiRED Rapid Response Training Module. Free Online Education Course. Please go to the website: http://www.wiredhealthresources.net/presentations/38-X/story.html
Free Online WiRED Educational Course
For those with smartphones, you can install the free ‘MSF Guidance’ app by the Open Medicine Project from the app store. It includes the MSF guidelines on Ebola and Marburg virus disease. MSF guidance is an easily searchable app with all the latest MSF clinical protocols and essential drug info...rmation for medical field workers. All content can be downloaded before mission and accessed at any time.
MSF Guidance for Android devices:
MSF Guidance for Apple devices:
In 2014 UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank report new joint estimates of child malnutrition using available data up to 2013 The Interactive dashboard allows users to generate a variety of graphs and charts, using the newest joint estimates of prevalence and numbers for child stunting, underweight, overw...eight, wasting and severe wasting. Users can select the different regional country groupings of the UN, MDG, UNICEF, WHO regions as well as World Bank income groups and geographic regions to present the data.
A summary of 4 pages presents the key findings for each indicator, an introduction to the dashboard and updates on methods
It is essential that all people, including people living with HIV, are able to access health services and ongoing treatment. If people living with HIV who are on ART stop abruptly because they cannot access new supplies they could rapidly become unwell, drug resistance may build and the chances of o...nward transmission of the virus would increase.
This protocol provides information on the safe management of dead bodies and burial of patients who died from suspected or confirmed Ebola or Marburg virus disease. These measures should be applied not only by medical personnel but by anyone involved in the management of dead bodies and burial of su...spected or confirmed Ebola or Marburg patients.
Twelve steps have been identified describing the different phases Burial Teams have to follow to ensure safe burials, starting from the moment the teams arrive in the village up to their return to the hospital or team headquarters after burial and disinfection procedures.