The Regional strategy for measles control recommends that a second opportunity for measles immunization be provided to all children irrespective of their vaccination status or history of clinical measles. The preferred method of provision of a second opportunity is through Supplemental Immunization ...Activities (SIAs) targeting children 9 months to 14 years in catch-up campaigns and 9 months to 4 or 5 years during periodic follow-up campaigns
The handbook on supply chain management for HIV/AIDS commodities was written to assist program managers to plan and implement day–to-day management of all drugs and medical supplies for an HIV/AIDS program. Many of the suggested techniques described in this handbook are helpfu...l to program managers starting to plan or scale-up provision of drugs and supplies for a HIV/AIDS program. Additionally, some of the information may be helpful to readers who are implementing a new program and may not have robust logistics systems in place. For other readers, this handbook may serve as a checklist of systems and procedures that need to be in place in order to manage the many of the health commodities required for the HIV/AIDS program.
The purpose of this booklet is to assist WHO and other
Public Health workers in the field when an emergency
occurs. The booklet provides technical hints on how to
carry out a rapid health assessment, how to facilitate
coordination, how departments in WHO can assist, etc.
Standard formats for re...porting and reference indicators
are provided
Review of disability issues and rehabilitation services in 29 african countries.
Guidelines for WHO Representatives and Country
Offices in the Western Pacific Region
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Countries reported disruptions in all health-care settings. In more than half of countries surveyed, many people are still unable to access care at the primary care and community care levels. Significant disruptions have also been reported in emergency care, particularly concerning given the impact... on people with urgent health needs. Thirty-six per cent of countries reported disruptions to ambulance services; 32% to 24-hour emergency room services; and 23% to emergency surgeries.
Elective surgeries have also been disrupted in 59% of countries, which can have accumulating consequences on health and well-being as the pandemic continues. Disruptions to rehabilitative care and palliative care were also reported in around half of the countries surveyed.
Major barriers to health service recovery include pre-existing health systems issues which have been exacerbated by the pandemic as well as decreased demand for care.
Les pays du monde entier sont confrontés à des situations épidémiologiques diverses, et disposent de capacités de réaction différentes et d’un accès inégal aux outils permettant de sauver des vies. L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) recommande aux autorités nationales de contin...uer à appliquer une approche fondée sur les risques lorsqu’elles mettent en œuvre des mesures relatives aux voyages internationaux dans le contexte de la COVID-19, tout en respectant la dignité, les droits humains et les libertés fondamentales des voyageurs. Cette approche doit prendre en compte le risque d’importation et d’exportation de cas posé par les voyages dans le cadre de l’évolution de la situation épidémiologique, y compris de l’émergence et de la circulation de variants préoccupants du SARS-CoV-2, du déploiement de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 et des enseignements tirés de la riposte à la pandémie, notamment en ce qui concerne la détection précoce et la prise en charge des cas, ainsi que l’application de mesures sociales et de santé publique.
Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.43. DOI:;
The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, and stress) in Bangladesh and the factors associated with these symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
They found that ...about 64%, 87%, and 61% of the respondents in Bangladesh reported high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively and this varied between divisions (regions), more in women, those who self-quarantined, and those that experienced classical symptoms of COVID-19. We think there is a need for mental health support in this population to minimise the long term effects.
Emergencias 2021: 33: 42-58