Prescriptions and Actionables for a Healthy and Green Recovery.
The practical steps outlined in this report aim at creating a healthier, fairer and greener world while investing to maintain and resuscitate the economy hit by the effects of COVID-19.
Policy makers, national and local and a wide array of other actors wishing to contribute to a healthy recovery can now take decisive steps by shaping the way we live, work and consume. Effects on environmental degradation and pollution and climate change will be wide ranging. WHO and partner organizations have since long been developing substantive guidance and provide support for building healthier environments for healthier populations.
The purpose of this article is to consider the relationshipbetween religion and healthcarein order to suggest how physicians and other health care providers shouldrespond when the faith-based preference of apatient clashes with the medically indicatedtreatment modalities.
Violence - Prevention and response for female sex workers -Take Charge; Be Safe.
Glaucoma, a disease that gradually affects the optic nerve, is the second leading cause of vision loss globally, and it continues to pose a challenge to the eye health professionals.
Essential Drug list on page 36!!
This publication seeks to describe the best treatments and practices based on the scientific evidence available at the time of writing as evaluated by the authors and may change as a result of new research. Readers need to apply this knowledge to patients in accordance with the guidelines and laws o...f their country of practice. Some medications may not be available in some countries and readers should consult the specific drug information since not all the unwanted effects of medications are mentioned.
На основе эпидемиологического исследования за период 2000–2012 годов выявлены высокие показатели общей и первичной заболеваемости детского и подросткового населен...я в Российской Федерации и по всем федеральным округам. Установлено увеличение числа инвалидов среди детей и подростков при снижении коечных мест и тенденции сокращения числа детских и подростковых психиатров в психиатрических службах субъектов. Сложившаяся ситуация требует дальнейшего пересмотра подходов к оказанию психиатрической помощи несовершеннолетним лицам. Необходимо избежать сокращения объемов психиатрических ресурсов. Однако комплекс организационных мероприятий немыслим без адекватного финансового обеспечения территориальных программ оказания психиатрической помощи, в том числе на основании выполнения Программы государственных гарантий
бесплатного оказания гражданам медицинской помощи и выделения субсидий на диспансеризацию,
лечение и профилактику.
Accessed: 02.05.2020
These interim IPC recommendations for health settings have been developed through the contributions of many individuals and institutions, such as the Centers for Disease Control-Kenya; ITECH; US Agency for International Development (USAID) Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceu...tical Services (MTaPS) Program; and WHO that are committed to ensuring that the transmission of COVID-19 to HCWs and the public within the health care setting is limited. The Ministry of Health (MOH) through the Directorate of Health Standards Quality Assurance and Regulations wishes to thank all the contributing authors led by the sub-committee on case management and IPC for the COVID-19 response for their expertise and time given to writing these guidelines.
A Guide For Multicentre Trials in High-Burden Countries
The Ministry of Health has developed the first version of the Service Standards and Service Delivery Standards for the health sector in Uganda. The main objective is to provide a common understanding of what is expected by the public, service users and service providers in ensuring provision of cons...istently high quality service delivery. These standards also provide a roadmap for improving the quality, safety and reliability of healthcare in Uganda.
The application of these standards is expected to improve transparency and accountability in service delivery; fairness and equity in service provision; building a culture of quality management; regulation, management and control of public and private providers; and management of expectations of service recipients.
The purpose of this Operational Guideline is to support state health authorities, programme managers and health care professionals with recommendations on appropriate management of children with SAM in the health facilities. Facility based management includes setting up and managing within the healt...h facility premises, a functional space where these children are cared for. This Facility Based Unit is referred to as Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre or NRC in the document. While the scale and design may vary in a given situation, it is intended that the document provide the basis for a consistent set of principles that can be used by all states for facility based management of children with SAM. The Operational Guideline focuses on the Facility/Hospital based approach for the management of SAM children under 5 years of age based on the WHO and revised IAP protocols.