This National Prevention Road Map addresses the above-mentioned challenges and aims to guide, focus and reinvigorate the HIV prevention response during the period 2018-2020. It also renews the commitment of political leadership,
The “United Nations Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19: Shared responsibility, global solidarity and urgent action for people in need” calls for protecting jobs, businesses and livelihoods to set in motion a safe recovery of societies and economies as soon as possibl...e for a more sustainable, gender-equal, and carbon-neutral path—better than the “old normal”.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2014, 3:42
How do local authorities and humanitarian agencies collaborate when refugees are in transit? An IIED-supported research project is looking at the transit refugee response in Croatia.
Curriculum reform efforts to enhance training on rational medicine use (RMU) and AMR should pay particular attention to ensuring that the right topics are integrated and the right teaching-learning methodologies are adopted.
Each unit builds on the one prior, and they all combine to provide key information for developing an SBCC strategy. It is not essential, however, to work through the I-Kit from start to finish. Users can choose to focus on specific aspects for which they need support in their emergency communication... response. The nine units and corresponding worksheets are outlined in the I-Kit Site Navigator.
Care and Support Centre (CSC) is a national initiative to provide expanded and holistic care and support services for PLHIV. The guideline focuses on the objectives, criteria for selection, required infrastructure, human resources, MIS tools, and financial guidelines for CSCs. This guideline will b...e useful to the care providers, programme managers, and all stakeholders in providing excellent care to the people living with HIV/AIDS
The current effort on fighting COVID-19 cannot conceal the fact that climatic and geological hazards affect Latin-America and the Caribbean every year. At a time when countries of the region are actively responding to the pandemic, they also need to prepare for and implement actions to mitigate the ...potential impacts of other recurrent hazards. For instance, countries like Guatemala and El Salvador have been recently hit by tropical storm Amanda and, as the Caribbean region faces its annual hurricane season, countries are enhancing climate-hazard preparedness. Many countries are bracing for a two-tier crisis as they grapple with complicated logistics, limited resources and scant supplies.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important contributor to mortality from noncommunicable diseases. No decrease has been seen for CKD mortality contrary to many other important non-communicable diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease). The prevalence of CKD and kidney failure are increasing all over... the world – and thereby also the need for dialysis. Unfortunately, the prevalence increases most rapidly in lowand middle-income countries. Globally, there are great inequities in access and quality of management of kidney failure. Many low- and middle-income countries cannot meet the increased need for dialysis. If the patients receive dialysis, it might only be for a limited period due to the out-of-pocket expenses. There are global disparities in CKD mortality reflecting the disparities in access to care. Lack of access to dialysis is an important cause of the increased CKD mortality in low- and middle-income countries.
This guide focuses on the evaluation of psychosocial programs that are aligned with two main goals: - To promote psychosocial wellbeing by promoting an environment that provides appropriate care, opportunities for development and protects children from exposure to situations that are harmful to thei...r psychosocial wellbeing, and - To respond to psychosocial problems by strengthening social and psychological supports for children who have been exposed to situations that affect their psychological development.
Cette évaluation est axée en premier lieu sur la planification familiale et en second lieu sur la santé maternelle, néonatale et de l’enfant (SMNE), le VIH/sida, le paludisme et la nutrition. L’évaluation avait les objectifs suivants :
1. Produire un aperçu des parties prenantes du secte...ur privé de la santé et de leurs rôles respectifs
2. Évaluer le niveau du dialogue politique entre les secteurs public et privé de la santé 3. Décrire les contributions du secteur privé aux principaux marchés et domaines de la santé, y compris le financement de la santé
4. Évaluer les marchés spécifiques pour les principaux produits et services de santé, et décrire la dynamique de l’offre et de la demande
5. Identifier les opportunités actuelles et potentielles pour des partenariats public-privé dans le secteur de la santé
6. Fournir des recommandations sur les meilleures façons de rendre les partenariats public-privé (PPP) opérationnels dans le secteur de la santé
Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund Practitioners and Policy Makers: Part A