Se calcula que en 2015 había en el mundo 17,8 millones de mujeres de 18 años o mayores infectadas por el VIH, cifra que equivale al 51% de los adultos que viven con VIH. Las adolescentes y las jóvenes se ven especialmente afectadas; en 2015 constituían el 60% de los individuos entre 15 a 24 año...s de edad que vivían con el VIH, representando también el 58% de las infecciones por el VIH de adquisición reciente en los jóvenes de ese grupo de edad. En muchos países las mujeres que viven con el VIH carecen de acceso equitativo a servicios de salud de buena calidad, y enfrentan muchas formas de estigma y discriminación que se entrecruzan. Más aun, estas mujeres son desproporcionadamente vulnerables a la violencia, en particular las violaciones de sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos.
J. European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 4 August 2014
The overall objective of this implementation plan is to define the strategy for implementation of the Xpert MTB/RIF test for rapid detection of TB and rifampicin (RIF) resistance in Tanzania, within the context of the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme (NTLP) strategic plan and other health guidelines. It is intended to serve as the main guiding document for national, regional and local programme managers, clinicians, coordinators, laboratory staff and other health workers; national and regional reference laboratories; local and international implementing partners; and donors involved in TB control.
National Action Plan: Programmatic Management of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Control Indonesia
12 countries have a high TB estimated burden with an incidence rate more than 45 per 100 000 population They represent 88 of the cases in the Region
In 2019 the TB case detection gap in the Region was 52 500 cases
Development of one or more vaccines for Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an important objective for sexual and reproductive health worldwide, and for the fight against antimicrobial resistance.
WHO preferred product characteristics (PPCs) provide strategic guidance as to WHO’s preferences for new vacci...nes in priority disease areas. PPCs are intended to encourage innovation and development of vaccines for use in settings most relevant to the global unmet public health need.
Gonococcal vaccine PPCs describe global public health goals for gonococcal vaccines and preferred parameters pertaining to vaccine indications and target populations, safety and efficacy considerations, and immunization strategies.
Indonesia's TB Guidelines
Department of AIDS Control
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare