Objectif du module : Identifier un accident d'exposition au sang, les conduites à risque, la conduite à tenir, les mesures de précautions universelles.
Objectif du module : Décrire un EPI, reconnaitre la bonne qualité des constituants des EPI, savoir se vétir et se déshabiller correctement selon les procédures.
Objectif du module : Décrire un PSM 2, travailler sous un PSM 2, identifier les bonnes pratiques de laboratoires : nettoyage, désinfection, risque des aérosols, consignes de sécurité.
Objectif du module : Trier les déchets, identifier les différents types de poubelles ainsi que les différents filières de destruction des déchets, préparer une solution chlorée
Objectif du module : Identifier un triple emballage, définir les termes utilisés pour les emballages,classer les matières infectieuses et les exigences d'emballage correspondante
PPC CHAIRPERSONS AND LEADERS OF DIOCESAN ORGANIZATIONS at Diocesan Pastoral and Social Center August 19-20th and 22nd-23th 2014, Caritas Sierra Leone
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Suppl. Vol.63/3
(Destiné aux Chefs de Centre de Santé)
The Emergency Access Initiative (EAI) has been activated in support of medical efforts related to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. The Emergency Access Initiative is a col-
laborative partnership between the U.S. National Library of Medicine and participating publishers to provide free access to ...full text articles from over 650 biomedical serial Titles and over 4,000 reference books and online databases to healthcare professionals and libraries affected by disasters. The free access period is now to December 12, 2014
The WHO Ebola Response Team presents new data on Ebola symptoms, case fatality rate, and incubation period, and experts discuss actions needed to deal with the oubreak. Stay informed with Perspective and research articles, an interactive
map of confirmed and suspected cases, and links to the latest... updates on the Ebola Outbreak
Anyone planning to conduct humanitarian work in areas of Africa where outbreaks of Ebola virus disease are known to occur needs to be familiar with how Ebola virus is transmitted.
This leaflet recommends the precautions that humanitarian workers should take and provides advice on what to do if you ...suspect an infection
This briefing note is based on the existing WHO and ILO guides and recommendations for Ebola Virus
Disease at the time of the publication. It will be updated as new information and recommendations become
Guidelines for planning and provision of pastoral and social support services