In response to COVID-19, countries around the world have implemented several public health and social measures (PHSM), such as movement restrictions, closure of schools and businesses, and international travel restrictions.1 As the local epidemiology of the disease changes, countries will adjust (i....e. loosen or reinstate) these measures according to the intensity of transmission.
Annex to Considerations in adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19
While the full effects of COVID-19 remain unknown, the pandemic continues to profoundly impact regional migration and mobility dynamics, with deep health, social and economic consequences for the most vulnerable, including migrants, displaced populations and their host communities, and returnees.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented levels of disruption to education, impacting over 90% of the world’s student population: 1.54 billion children, including 743 million girls. School closures and the wider socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on communities and society also disrup...t children’s and young people’s normal support systems, leaving them more vulnerable to illnesses and child protection risks such as physical and humiliating punishment, sexual and gender-based violence, child marriage, child labour, child trafficking and recruitment and use in armed conflict. Girls and other marginalised groups, particularly those in displaced settings, are particularly affected.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
As information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, it can be challenging to navigate and synthesize all of the information. The purpose of this document is to provide a synthesized, indexed reference of accurate, standardized COVID-19 information from trustworthy sources. Information is presented in... simple, clear language to support the development of messages and materials needed for social and behavior change interventions.
This document offers guidance to Member States in the African region on the key steps used to conduct contact tracing related to the COVID-19 response. It is to be used by national and local health authorities in the implementation of tracing of contacts of probable and confirmed COVID-19 cases.
El virus se transmite por el contacto directo con las gotas de la respiración que una persona infectada puede expulsar cuando tose o estornuda, o al tocar superficies contaminadas por el virus. El COVID-19 puede sobrevivir en una superficie varias horas, pero puede eliminarse con desinfectantes sen...cillos.
Der Artikel "Händedesinfektion unter den Bedingungen der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie" war am 4.5.2020 online vorab erschienen und ist nun in der regulären Ausgabe des Epidemiologischen Bulletins 19/2020 zu finden.
Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung im öffentlichen Raum als weitere Komponente zur Reduktion der Übertragungen von COVID-19. Strategieergänzungen zu empfohlenen Schutzmaßnahmen und Zielen (3. Update) Das RKI empfiehlt ein generelles Tragen einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (MNB) in bestimmten Situationen im öffentl...ichen Raum als einen weiteren Baustein, um Risikogruppen zu schützen und den Infektionsdruck und damit die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von COVID-19 in der Bevölkerung zu reduzieren. Diese Empfehlung beruht auf einer Neubewertung aufgrund der zunehmenden Evidenz, dass ein hoher Anteil von Übertragungen unbemerkt erfolgt, und zwar bereits vor dem Auftreten von Krankheitssymptomen. Ziel des im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 19/2020 veröffentlichten Artikels ist es, eine kurze Übersicht zum fachlichen Hintergrund der Empfehlung zu geben und zu erläutern, welche Dinge hierbei zu berücksichtigen sind.
El presente documento de trabajo fue elaborado en el marco de una investigación bibliográfica participativa y la experiencia acumulada por los técnicos de las áreas involucradas en la respuesta a las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas (IRA) .
El documento constituye una guía orientativa de trab...ajo, que debe ser ajustado y adaptado a los niveles operativos, para garantizar el cumplimiento de los objetivos, ya que la vigilancia de esta infección está construyéndose a medida que la OMS comparte la información recabada y analizada. Puede ser revisado parcial o totalmente en el caso que la situación epidemiológica lo amerite.
CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Manejo Clínico en Pediatría