Reducing the humanitarian impact of the use of explosive weapons in populated areas is a key priority for the United
Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), civil society and an increasing number of Member States.
The United Nations Secretary-General has expressly called on... parties to conflict to avoid the use in populated areas of
explosive weapons with wide-area effects.
While the use of explosive weapons in populated areas may in some circumstances be lawful under international
humanitarian law (IHL), empirical evidence reveals a foreseeable and often widespread pattern of harm to civilians,
particularly from explosive weapons with wide-area effects.
Many types of explosive weapons exist and are currently in use. These include air-delivered bombs, artillery projectiles,
missiles and rockets, mortar bombs, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Some are launched from the air and
others are surface launched. Whilst different technical features dictate their accuracy of delivery and explosive effect,
these weapons generally create a zone of blast and fragmentation with the potential to kill, injure or damage anyone
or anything within that zone. This makes their use in populated areas – such as towns, cities, markets and camps for
refugees and displaced persons or other concentrations of civilians – particularly problematic. The problems increase
further if the effects of the weapon extend across a wide-area either because of the scale of blast that they produce; their
inaccuracy; the use of multiple munitions across an area; or a combination thereof.
Guidance | Preparedness - Response and early recovery - Recovery and reconstruction
Intensive Care Med (2009) 35:9–29DOI 10.1007/s00134-008-1336-9
Although thousands of papers have been devoted tohospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), many controversiesremain, and management of HAP is probably often sub-optimal. Several reviews or guidelines have been pub-lished rec...ently, mostly by North American initiatives(CDC, ATS). Three European Societies (ERS, ESCMID andESICM) were interested in producing a document thatcould complement in some way the last IDSA/ATS guidelines published 3 years ago. In addition, the Helics
working group supported this initiative.
These guidelines provide a recommendation on iodine thyroid blocking (ITB), via oral administration of stable iodine, as an urgent protective action in responding to a nuclear accident. This recommendation aims to support emergency planners, policy makers, public health specialists, clinicians and o...ther relevant stakeholders, in order to strengthen public health preparedness for radiation emergencies in WHO Member States as required by the International Health Regulations (IHR) and in line with the international safety standards (GSR Part 7). The scope of the guidelines is confined to public health aspects of planning and implementation of ITB before and during a radiation emergency, such as dosage and timing of ITB administration, adverse effects of stable iodine, its packaging, storage, and distribution.
These guidelines supersede the 1999 WHO Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents.
This Joint Emergency Management Plan of the International Organizations (Joint Plan) describes the
interagency framework of preparedness for and response to an actual, potential or perceived nuclear or
radiological emergency independent of whether it arises from an acci...dent, natural disaster, negligence, nuclear
security event or any other cause.
This guideline covers road-traffic-related air pollution and its links to ill health. It aims to improve air quality and so prevent a range of health conditions and deaths.
A Meand to enhancing HIV prevention in key populations. This document has been developed out of the increasing need to set up standards and procedures to prevent and respond to violence against key populations.
This pocket guide offers basic information needed for the medical management of victims of radiation incidents in an easy-to-understand manner.
Der Nationale Pandemieplan besteht aus zwei Teilen. Teil I beschreibt Strukturen und Massnahmen, Teil II stellt die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die Inflünzapandemieplanung und -bewältigung dar. Der vorliegende Teil I wurde von der Arbeitsgruppe Infektionsschutz der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der O...bersten Landesgesundheitsbehörden unter Mitwirkung des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit, des Robert Koch- Instituts, des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts und der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung erstellt. Er beschreibt die Strukturen auf Bundesund Länderebene, erörtert Massnahmen und gibt Empfehlungen zur Vorbereitung auf eine Inflünzapandemie sowie für die Pandemiebewältigung auf unterschiedlichen Planungs- und Handlungsebenen. Damit dient er als Grundlage für die Pandemieplanung im medizinischen und nichtmedizinischen Bereich und in der öffentlichen Verwaltung.