All young people, including those with special needs and from the most vulnerable groups, have the right to quality health care services. Unfortunately, this right is not a reality, particularly in the case of sexual and reproductive health services. Many youth in need of sexual and reproductive hea...lth care may either decline or be denied access to health services for a variety of reasons: Providers are often biased and do not feel comfortable serving youth who are sexually active; youth do not feel comfortable accessing existing services because they are not "youth-friendly" and may not meet their needs; and, often, community members do not feel that youth should have access to sexual and reproductive health services.
To address provider and site bias toward serving youth, EngenderHealth created a training curriculum intended to sensitize all staff at a health care facility on the provision of youth-friendly services. The curriculum was created as a result of the participatory work that we have been doing with youth in Nepal to address the needs of all levels of providers at different service-delivery settings. The curriculum has been field-tested and used in Nepal, Russia, Mongolia, and the United States.
Youth-Friendly Services allows staff to reflect upon and assess their own beliefs about adolescent sexuality while ensuring that those values and attitudes do not compromise the basic sexual and reproductive health rights to which youth are entitled. The curriculum also helps providers understand cross-cultural principles of adolescent development and health needs specific to youth. Once participant knowledge, attitudes, and skills are improved, sites conduct a self-assessment on the youth-friendliness of their services and create an action plan for specific improvements.
Guidelines for social mobilization
TB and poverty; TB and children; TB and women; TB, migrants and refugees; TB and prisons
Original: English; Distribution: Limited
Neurological, Psychiatric, and Developmental Disorders: Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Nervous System Disorders in Developing Countries.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2001.
UNAIDS/99.31E (English original, June 1999)
1st revision, April 2000
New assessment guidelines for measuring the overall impact of mental health problems in Latin America have served as a catalyst for countries to review their mental health policies. Latin American countries have taken various steps to address long-standing problems such as structural difficulties, s...carce financial and human resources, and social, political, and cultural obstacles in the implementation of mental health policies and legislation. These policy developments, however, have had uneven results. Policies must reflect the desire, determination, and commitment of policy-makers to take mental health seriously and look after people’s mental health needs. This paper describes the development of mental health policies in Latin American countries, focusing on published data in peer-reviewed journals, and legislative change and its implementation. It presents a brief history of mental health policy developments, and analyzes the basis and practicalities of current practice.
A user-friendly instrument designed to collect and calculate indicators of effective inventory management. The IMAT guides the user through a process of collecting data on the physical and theoretical stock balance and the duration of stockouts for a set of up to 25 frequently-used products, calcula...ting indicators, analyzing the results, and identifying strategies for improving record-keeping and stock management practices. The IMAT comes as a computerized spreadsheet in Excel and includes instructions, a data collection form, analysis guidelines, recommendations, and a graphical display of the indicator results.
Non-Wood Forest Products 11
Traditional medicine and its use of medicinal plants is dependent on reliable supply of plant materials. The book focuses on the interface between medicinal plant use and conservation of medicinal plants.
TheoreticalMedicine 6 (1985), 281-294. 0167-9902/85.10
La réanimation a pour objectifs de prévenir et de pallier les différentes défaillances
viscérales aiguës. Elle s’adresse aux malades graves et est actuellement considérée
comme un élément normal de l’arsenal thérapeutique. Les médecins et les soignants ont
démontré l’utilité la présence permanente 24 heures/24 et 7 jours/7 auprès des
malades graves d’une équipe hautement spécialisée. Ensemble, ils ont fait progresser les
techniques nécessaires à la prise en charge de ces malades : ventilation mécanique,
épuration extrarénale, surveillance et exploration cardiovasculaires... La réanimation
médicale née sur le terrain hospitalier a obtenu sa reconnaissance universitaire en 1969.
Le champ d’application de la réanimation s’étend à toute la pathologie et en particulier aux malades chirurgicaux. La distinction entre réanimation médicale et réanimation chirurgicale a été nécessaire pour une répartition raisonnable des tâches, surtout en
CHU, et aucunement en raison de connaissances pratiques et théoriques différentes. Cette distinction est obsolète, car il n’y a pas plusieurs façons de faire de la réanimation.
La Organización Panamericana de la Salud publica la tercera versión de la lista de dispositivos médicos prioritarios (LDMP) para el primer nivel de atención, elaborada de acuerdo con la realidad epidemiológica de los países de la Región de las Américas y adaptada al contexto de la pandemia d...e COVID-19. Con vistas a que la LDMP pueda adaptarse a las diferentes formas de organización de los sistemas de salud de la Región, esta tercera versión incluye una lista principal (223 dispositivos médicos), un módulo de diagnóstico por imágenes (30 dispositivos médicos), un módulo de laboratorio (29 dispositivos médicos) y un módulo de odontología (69 dispositivos médicos). Los usuarios deben seleccionar solo los módulos que contienen las prácticas que se planifica ofrecer en un centro de atención de primer nivel y analizar las listas correspondientes.
Countries can use this tool to collect in-depth facility inventories of biomedical equipment re-allocation, procurement and planning for COVID-19 case management. The survey assesses quantified availability and the causes for non-functioning of different sources of oxygen delivery and supply systems... to the patient in order to determine priorities and re-allocation requirements in accordance with needs.
Dieser vom Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland (LSVD) veröffentlichte Praxisleitfaden soll Unterbringungseinrichtungen und Beratungsstellen mit klaren und handfesten Handlungsempfehlungen dabei unterstützen, die im Annex 1 der „Mindeststandards zum Schutz von geflüchteten Menschen in F...lüchtlingsunterkünften“ festgelegten Leitlinien zur schutzbedarfsgerechten Unterbringung LSBTI*-Geflüchteter umzusetzen. Checklisten fassen die empfohlenen Maßnahmen übersichtlich zusammen. Weiterführendes Material und Kontakte zu spezialisierten Anlaufstellen ermöglichen eine Vertiefung der Arbeit zum Schutz LSBTI*-Geflüchteter.
Int J Bipolar Disord (2018) 6:6‑017‑0110‑8
In 2001, the WHO stated that: "The use of mobile and wireless technologies to support the achievement of health objectives (mHealth) has the potential to transform the face of health service delivery across the globe".... Within mental health, interventions and monitoring systems for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have been developed and used. The present paper presents the status and findings from studies using automatically generated objective smartphone data in the monitoring of bipolar disorder, and addresses considerations on the current literature and methodological as well as clinical aspects to consider in the future studies.
The Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action specifies that the mandate of the Global Education Monitoring Report is to be ‘the mechanism for monitoring and reporting on SDG 4 and on education in the other SDGs’ with the responsibility to ‘report on the implementation of nat...ional and international strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments as part of the overall SDG follow-up and review.’ It is prepared by an independent team hosted by UNESCO.