A Guide to the Application of the WHO Multimodal Hand HygieneImprovement Strategy and the “My Five Moments for Hand Hygiene”Αpproach
Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2012 May-Aug; 2(2): 82–97.
doi: 10.4103/2229-5151.97273
PMCID: PMC3401822
PMID: 22837896
BMC Medicine201210:107
https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7015-10-107© Katchanov and Birbeck; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2012
Received: 10 July 2012Accepted: 24 September 2012Published: 24 September 2012
In 2011, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) r...eleased evidence-based epilepsy-care guidelines for use in low and middle income countries (LAMICs). From a
geographical, sociocultural, and political perspective, LAMICs represent a heterogenous group with significant differences in the epidemiology, etiology, and perceptions of epilepsy. Successful implementation of
the guidelines requires local adaptation for use within individual countries. For effective implementation and sustainability, the sense of ownership and empowerment must be transferred from the global health authorities to the local people. Sociocultural and financial barriers that impede the implementation of the guidelines should be
identified and ameliorated. Impact assessment and program revisions should be planned and a budget allocated to them. If effectively implemented, as intended, at the primary-care level, the mhGAP
guidelines have the potential to facilitate a substantial reduction in the epilepsy treatment gap and improve the quality of epilepsy care in resource-limited settings.
Prevention, early identification, assessment and intervention in low- and middle-income countries | A Review | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT
Q 7: For adults and children with convulsive epilepsy, which standard antiepileptic drugs (phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid) when compared to placebo/a comparator produce benefits/harm in the specified outcomes?
Q7: For people with dementia, who should be told of the diagnosis and how should the diagnosis be delivered?
Q4: Can convulsive epilepsy be diagnosed at first level care by a non-specialist health care provider in low and middle income country settings?
L’objectif général de la mission est de renforcer le programme national de lutte contre la tuberculose
à travers une assistance technique d’une durée de 12 mois.
Résultats de la Sérologie Réalisée dans le Cadre
de l’Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples
The principle of “the best interest of the child” should guide decisions by politicians whenever
children are affected. This is one of the basic ideas in the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child. Decision makers should assess the consequences for children before taking
action. Today, this... principle is not fully respected in European countries in relation to migrant
La présente étude avait pour objectif principal de documenter la culture de l’utilisation des MI. Plus particulièrement, elle a documenté la valeur accordée aux différents moyens préventifs, en particulier la MI, les perceptions de l’utilité, du coût d’opportunité de leur utilisation... ; les modalités et logiques de leur attribution au sein des ménages. Elle s’est aussi intéressée aux obstacles à l’utilisation régulière des MI de même que les facteurs favorisants ; les habitudes des familles relatives à leur entretien, réparation et les modalités de leur usage en rapport avec les habitudes de couchage.
PLoS ONE 7(12): e52986. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052986. Opern Access please download from the website
Rapport technique final du Projet de recherche-action-Formation.
Le projet «Développement d’une plateforme eS@nté Communautaire au Sénégal, avec application dans la santé maternelle et infantile pour l’atteinte des OMD Santé » est une initiative de la FMPOS, de l’Institut de Santé D...éveloppement (ISED), de l’École Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, en collaboration avec le Service National de l’Information Sanitaire (SNIS) et la Division de la Santé et de la Reproduction (DSR) du Ministère de la Santé du Sénégal, et le Projet des Villages du Millénaire à Louga.
Increasing the Odds: A Series to Understanding Gambling Disorders. Vol.7
All editions of Increasing the Odd sare available as a free download at https://www.icrg.org/resources/monographs