The WHO Regional Office for Europe has established the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in more than half the countries in the Region for routine monitoring of the policy response to the emerging obesity epidemic. The aim of the Initiative is to measure trends in overweight and obesity in c...hildren aged 6.0–9.9 years to get a clear understanding of the epidemic and to allow inter-country comparisons. This document outlines the common protocol agreed for use in the Initiative.
The micronutrient powders will be distributed at the health facilities where instructions on use will be provided by Health Care Providers. Community Health Volunteers will educate, counsel, and mobilize caregivers at the community level to visit health facilities for nutrition assessment and provis...ion of the micronutrient powders.
The WHO Regional Office for Europe has established the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in more than half thecountries in the Region for routine monitoring of the policy response to the emerging obesity epidemic. The aim of the system is to measure trends in overweight and obesity in childr...en aged 6.0–9.9 years for accurate understanding of the epidemic and to allow inter-country comparisons. This document outlines the data collection procedures agreed for use in the Initiative.
Целью этой главы является представление ключевых элементов, касающихся терапевтического использования психотропных лекарственных средств у детей и подростков, ... также знакомство
клиницистов с общими принципами фармакотерапии психиатрических расстройств в период развития. Для более детального ознакомления со специфическими медикаментами мы рекомендуем читателям обратиться к соответствующим главам, посвященным конкретным расстройствам.
Обобщающий термин, охватывающий широкий диапазон методов психологической и поведенческой терапии, реализуемых с помощью цифровых/компьютерных технологий (час...о используется взаимозаменяемо с понятиями компьютерная терапия или терапия с помощью компьютера). Такой вид помощи можно оказывать разными путями: через персональный компьютер, интернет, интерактивную систему ответа на телефонные звонки, или их комбинации. К еТерапии можно отнести «тематические терапевтические чаты» и терапию с помощью электронной почты.
Post Graduate programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the
quality of nursing education and practice in India. .
Post graduate programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence
acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories
into nursing practice, ed...ucation, administration and development of
research skills.
The objective of this book is to provide health workers with easily accessible information on important aspects of the medicines commonly used at primary care level in Zimbabwe. Medicines are a crucial part of the management of most of our patients, yet many medicines are potentially dangerous if no...t used correctly (by either prescriber or patient). It is important to have up-to-date information not only on the indications for, and the dose of a particular medicine, but also the contra-indications and reasons for special care, possible side effects and interactions with other medicine or medicines. The patient must also have information on how to use the preparation, what side effects may occur, and when to return for help.
Свод методических рекомендаций состоит из нескольких тематически связанных и удобных для пользователя модулей для решения широкого спектра задач и приоритетных ...проблем, возникающих при формировании политики и планировании услуг в области психического здоровья. Тематика каждого модуля представляет собой один из ключевых аспектов охраны психического здоровья.
This volume on CVDs, renal, and respiratory disorders has particularly high value. It carries the potential to become the most effective game-changer in global health by helping all countries to combat, contain, and control the biggest killer presently prowling the globe and by enabling us to reach ...the 2030 goals for NCDs and health overall. As one who has witnessed the epidemic of CVDs advance menacingly across the world in the past four decades, I fervently hope that the clear and convincing messages conveyed by the extensively researched and elegantly communicated analyses in this volume will be heard, heeded, and harmonized with policy and practice in all countries.
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