Accessed 15th of October 2015
Humanitarian crises can affect women, men, girls and boys in radically different ways. To address the different impacts of conflict and disasters on each group and promote the potential for positive transformation of gender norms, Oxfam calls for humanitarian agencies to analyse, plan, and respond t...o crises in ways that address practical gender needs and promote women’s rights. Oxfam is committed to promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence, through the implementation of its Minimum Standards for Gender in Emergencies. In addition, the promotion of gender equality must be central to the broader efforts to protect civilians and manage and prevent conflict and armed violence.
The Priority medicines for mothers and children 2011 list was updated following the 18th Expert Committee Meeting
on Selection and Use of Medicines, the release of new treatment guidelines and feedback from partners following
the 2011 version. In alignment with the UN Global strategy f...or women’s and children’s health; and the recently
launched UN Commission on life‐saving commodities for women and children, the title of this updated list is
renamed as Priority Life‐Saving Medicines for Women and Children.
PLoS ONE 9(1): e87262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087262
World's largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher
Chapter 7 from the book People's Movements in the 21st Century - Risks, Challenges and Benefits
Rapport sur les populations clés.
Key populations brief.
Краткое руководство
Investigación original / Original research
Panam Salud Publica. 2016;39(1):38–43.
Chapter 8, Prison and Health, published
NSP Review
Engaging with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB Edition 7 July – August 2013
A publication of the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27
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TB policies in 29 Countries
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WHO/HTM/TB/2007.381, 07.02