n Autumn 2013, HHI Executive Director, Vincenzo Bollettino, traveled to the Philippines to participate in an assessment of civil-military engagement in the humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan. The report was sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistanc...e.
The occurrence of a high percentage of couterfeit medicines on the global medicines market is often attributed to a lack of effective regulation and a weak enforcement capacity. This review, while focusing on counterfeit medicines and medical devices in developing countries, will present information... on their impact and how these issues can be addressed by regulation and control of the supply chain using technology appropriate to the developing world.
New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 370:1335-1342. Please download the pdf-file from the nejm Website!
A number of viruses have pandemic potential. The most recent global pandemic was caused by the influenza A (H1N1) strain, which was first detected in North America in 2009. The 2009 H1N1 pande...mic presented a public health emergency of uncertain scope, duration, and effect. At the request of the WHO, an international committee reviewed the experience of the pandemic, with special attention given to the function of the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and the performance of the WHO. The most fundamental conclusion of the committee, which applies today, is not reassuring: “The world is ill prepared to respond to a severe influenza pandemic or to any similarly global, sustained and threatening public-health emergency
Over the past 50 years, dengue has spread from nine to over a hundred countries, making it the most rapidly spreading vector-borne disease. Yet, dengue continues to have a low profile among policy-makers and donors and does not receive the media attention it deserves. While there is no vaccine or cu...re for dengue, it can be managed and prevented. We need a renewed commitment to integrated programming that includes improved management and diagnosis, increased awareness and community participation in controlling the vector and enhanced environmental sanitation
With this World Health Day, WHO is drawing attention to a group of diseases that are spread by insects and other vectors, the heavy health and economic burdens they impose, and what needs to be done to reduce these burdens. Many of these diseases have been historically confined to distinct geographi...cal areas, but this situation has become more fluid due to a host of ills, including climate change, intensive farming, dams, irrigation, deforestation, population movements, rapid unplanned urbanization, and phenomenal increases in international travel and trade. The control of vector-borne diseases can make a major contribution to poverty reduction, as it precisely targets the poor
The IMCI chart booklet is for use by doctors, nurses and other health professionals who see young infants and children less than five years old. It facilitates the use of the IMCI case management process in practice and describes a series of all the case management steps in a form of IMCI charts.
...These charts show the sequence of steps and provide information for performing them. The IMCI chart booklet should be used by all health professionals providing care to sick children to help them apply the IMCI case management guidelines. Health professionals should always use the chart booklet for easy reference.The chart booklet is divided into two main parts because clinical signs in sick young infants and older children are somewhat different and because case management procedures also differ between these age groups.
Sick child aged 2 months to 5 years
This part contains all the necessary clinical algorithms, information and instructions on how to provide care to sick children aged 2 months to 5 years.
Sick young infant aged up to 2 months
This part includes case management clinical algorithms for the care of a young infant aged up to 2 months.
Each of these parts contains IMCI charts corresponding to the main steps of the IMCI case management process.
Global Heart, March 2014, Vol. 9 No.1
Sub-Saharan Africa has the world’s youngest populations. The pattern of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is distinctly different from other regions, with a lower proportion of causes stemming from atherosclerosis, and a younger average age at CVD death. Sub-Sahar...an Africa has the world’s lowest ischaemic heart disease death rates, but stroke death rates are similar to those in Western, High Income countries
Global Hear, March 2014, Vol. 9 no.1
New research published today shows that older, disabled and injured Syrian refugees are paying a double toll as a result of the conflict. The report, released by Handicap International and HelpAge International, provides new data showing how much these vulnerable refugees are struggling to meet thei...r specific needs
The Mass Information Toolkit aims to provide staff working with refugees a tool for producing
information material using standard office software (Word and PowerPoint) and hardware (office
printer) – circumventing tenders, high costs and lengthy processes involved in using a graphic
designer ... and illustrations adapted to the Syrian refugee context – which appeal to illiterate refugees
as well
The Toolkit can be found by accessing the link below:
The toolkit also comes with a video tutorial which can be found either accessing the actual toolkit or
by viewing it on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHDkidkL38&feature=youtu.be)