This paper looks at the status of tuberculosis (TB) advocacy
communication and social mobilization (ACSM) activities in selected
national TB control programmes in the WHO African Region. The
findings are from an assessment of TB ACSM activities in Ghana, Kenya,
Lesotho, Malawi and South Africa.
Disease control, issue 15
The African health monitor
Accessed November 2017
Annex 1: Measuring progress towards targets
Annex 2: Modelling the impact of the 90-(90)-90 strategy
Annex 3: Investment packages by country setting
Annex 4: Country strategies
Annex 5: Strategic frameworks for research and development for new tools
Annex 6 : Estimating the cost of the 90-(90)-...90 strategy
Accessed November 2017
Updated: 27 December 2013
Basic Indicators | Nutrition | Health | HIV/AIDS | Education | Demographic Indicators | Economic Indicators | Women | Child Protection | The Rate Of Progress | Adolescents | Disparities By Residence | Disparities By Household Wealth | Early Childhood Development
The tuberculosis survival project .. your cure, your life
Accessed November 2017
The Countdown country profile presents in one place the best and latest evidence to enable an assessment of a country’s progress in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH)
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs | July – September 2017
First Edition, July 2009
Trainers’ Manual
Submitted to the US Agency for International Development by the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program.
PLOS ONE | March 9, 2018
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(Suppl 1):S5
PLOS ONE | February 22, 2018 1 / 13
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018