16-17 November 2017,
Hotel Djeugua, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Meeting Report December 2017
NSW Disaster Mental Health Handbook 1
The Disaster Mental Health Manual and associated handbooks are intended as a resource for mental health staff who are seeking background information and practical guidance and resources to assist in a disaster mental health response.
This document provides guidelines on the establisment of early surveillance actions to be carried out in countries where no case of Ebola virus disease has been reported.
An alert system should be in place at the following sites: major land border crossing with already affected countries; capital ...cities, including at airports, seaports, and health-care facilities, especially in major hospitals.
The alert system (staff trained in case definitions and able to detect signs and symptoms of disease) should report sick persons coming from country that has reported cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) and possibly meeting the definition of a case under investigation
Nepal is on target to meet the Millennium Development Goals for maternal and child health despite high levels of poverty, poor infrastructure, difficult terrain and recent conflict. Each year, nearly 35000 Nepali children die before their fifth birthday, with almost two-thirds of these deaths occurr...ing in the first month of life, the neonatal period. As part of a multi-country analysis, we examined changes for newborn survival between 2000 and 2010 in terms of mortality, coverage and health system indicators as well as national and donor funding.
Q4: Should community based rehabilitation be offered to children with intellectual disabilities?
Rationale for including this intervention in the proposal
A Joint Statement by the World Health Organization, the World Food Programme, the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition and the United Nations Children’s Fund
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. To reach a state of complete physical mental and social wellbeing, an individual or group must be able to identify and to realize aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the e...nvironment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource fo everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. Therefore, health promotion is not just the responsibility of the health sector, but goes beyond healthy lifestyles to wellbeing.
This guide provides national stakeholders and advocates with information and guidance to update the national essential medicines list to include a new commodity, a new indication, or a new formulation based on the available evidence and based on country need and disease burden. While the actors, tim...eline, and process may vary from country to country, this guide presents the broad steps involved in revising an EML for any health commodity. Additional resources and a glossary are included to provide supplemental information and to clarify key terms.