2nd edition. There have been many requests over the past few years for advice about what information should be included in a patient record for leprosy. The patient record should contain the essential information for the clinical management of the patients, for monitoring adherence to MDT, and for r...eporting to the national programmes and to WHO. Patient records vary between countries due to differences in health systems and are modified from time to time. The Model Patient Record is recommended as a reference and as a check list when evaluating programmes and when reviewing existing patient records.
Unaccompanied and separated children leave their countries of origin for a variety of reasons. They may
be fleeing from persecution, armed conflict, exploitation or poverty. They may have been sent by members
of their family or decided to leave on their own – be it to ensure their survival, or t...o obtain an education or
employment. They may have been separated from their family during flight or may be trying to join parents
or other family members. Or they may have become victims of trafficking. Often it is a combination of
Addendum to meeting report: Regional consultation on HIV epidemiologic information in Latin America and the Caribbean
BMC Family Practice201415:165, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-165
Open Access
International Journal for Equity in Health 2014, 13:24
Le constat est accablant : toutes les 90 secondes une femme meurt suite à des complications qui interviennent durant la grossesse, l’accouchement ou les six semaines suivant celui-ci. 90% de ces décès ont lieu dans les pays en développement. La mortalité maternelle est parmi les problèmes de... santé qui révèlent le plus large fossé entre riches et pauvres. C’est pour cette raison que sa réduction est devenue l’un des huit Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) qui se donne pour but de réduire de trois quarts, entre 1990 et 2015, le taux de mortalité maternelle1. Depuis 1990, on estime aujourd’hui que les décès maternels ont reculé de 45% à l’échelle mondiale….
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Buccal Mucosa Cancer | This consensus document on management of Buccal Mucosa cancers summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molecular markers and research questions. ...It also interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
Best Practices Report.PART 1 Primary Protection: Enhancing Health Care Resilience for a Changing Climatei Primary Protection: EnhancingU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Disasters and public health emergencies can stress health care systems to the breaking point and disrupt delivery of vital medical services. During such crises, hospitals and long-term care facilities may be without power; trained staff, ambulances,... medical supplies and beds could be in short supply; and alternate care facilities may need to be used. Planning for these situations is necessary to provide the best possible health care during a crisis and, if needed, equitably allocate scarce resources
Hong Kong Red Cross published the mental health and self-care pamphlet in Tagalog. We distributed this to our Filipino community in HK. The layout is intended to be printed double-sided and folded twice.
The guidelines address timing, number and place of postnatal contacts, and content of postnatal care for all mothers and babies during the six weeks after birth. The primary audience for these guidelines is health professionals who are responsible for providing postnatal care to women and newborns, ...primarily in areas where resources are limited. The guidelines are also expected to be used by policy-makers and managers of maternal and child health programmes, health facilities, and teaching institutions to set up and maintain maternity and newborn care services.