This is the first NAP on the Prevention and Containment of AMR in Kenya. It has been developed based on the National Policy on Prevention and Containment of AMR and the recommendations of the situation analysis on AMR conducted in 2011 and updated in 2016. This strategy provides a regulatory and imp...lementation framework to establish and strengthen systems to contain the emergence and spread of AMR. Implementation of this strategy will require substantial funding and high-level political commitment. Because AMR is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral issue, successful implementation of this strategy will require effective coordination and collaboration among different sectors.
Vol. 2: Clinicians' Guide
Clinicians’ Guide is designed to assist busy medical practitioners in the field with patient management by providing current, essential, practical guidance and background, packaged into a single resource
Mugisha et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2017) 11:7 DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0114-2
Regional Eastern European and Central Asian project (TB-REP) Copenhagen, Denmark, 26–28 April 2016
10–11 May 2016, Catania, Italy
Key populations brief.
Краткое руководство
BMC Public Health (2016) 16:766
DOI 10.1186/s12889-016-3455-5
The END TB Strategy
Интеграция совместного оказания услуг в связи с ТБ и ВИЧ во всеобъемлющий пакет помощи для потребителей инъекционных наркотиков
Rev Panam Salud Publica 40(6), 2016
Consolidated Guidelines
Geneva, 2016
The End TB Strategy
Improving access to assistive technology for everyone, everywhere.
The first WHO Priority Assistive Products List was launched in May 2016. The List includes hearing aids, wheelchairs, communication aids, spectacles, artificial limbs, pill organizers, memory aids and other essential items for many... older people and people with disabilities to be able to live a healthy, productive and dignified life.
Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish
Journal of Virus Eradication 2016 Jul; 2(3): 156–161.
Published online 2016 Jul 1.
PMCID: PMC4967967
PMID: 27482455