Les pays progressent vers la réalisation de l’objectif mondial tendant à ce que, d’ici 2025, 95 pour cent des personnes qui vivent avec le VIH connaissent leur statut sérologique. Cependant, en 2020, on estimait encore à 6 millions le nombre de personnes séropositives non diagnostiquées da...ns le monde. Les hommes vivant dans des lieux où la prévalence du VIH est élevée et les hommes appartenant aux populations clés, tous lieux confondus, ont moins de chances de connaître leur séropositivité que les femmes. Ainsi, au niveau mondial, 78 pour cent des hommes de plus de 15 ans connaissent leur statut sérologique, contre 86 pour cent chez les femmes de cette même tranche d’âge.
Les pays progressent vers la réalisation de l’objectif mondial tendant à ce que, d’ici 2025, 95 pour cent des personnes qui vivent avec le VIH connaissent leur statut sérologique. Cependant, en 2020, on estimait encore à 6 millions le nombre de personnes séropositives non diagnostiquées da...ns le monde. Les hommes vivant dans des lieux où la prévalence du VIH est élevée et les hommes appartenant aux populations clés, tous lieux confondus, ont moins de chances de connaître leur séropositivité que les femmes. Ainsi, au niveau mondial, 78 pour cent des hommes de plus de 15 ans connaissent leur statut sérologique, contre 86 pour cent chez les femmes de cette même tranche d’âge.
2nd edition. The interagency field handbook on malaria control was developed to set out effective malaria control responses in humanitarian emergencies, particularly during the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. This second edition represents a thorough u...pdating and revision of the first edition. The structure remains similar, but includes an additional chapter on humanitarian coordination. All chapters have been revised to reflect changes in best practices, improvements in technologies, availability of new tools, and changes in WHO recommendations.
The intention of this handbook on integrated vector management (IVM) is to provide
guidance to the managers of vector-borne disease control programmes, including
comparable officials in health and other sectors involved in vector-borne disease control.
The target audience is managers and official...s at central, district and lower administrative
levels. The handbook provides background information to complement the Core structure
for training curricula on integrated vector management and associated training materials.
A separate document, Guidance on policy-making for integrated vector management,
was prepared for policy-makers
• provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy, and quality control/ quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in Member States;
• provide models to assist Member States in developing their own mono- graphs or formularies for these... or other herbal medicines; and
• facilitate information exchange among Member States.
• provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy, and quality control/ quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in Member States;
• provide models to assist Member States in developing their own mono- graphs or formularies for these... or other herbal medicines; and
• facilitate information exchange among Member States.
2nd edition. These guidelines provide guidance on the diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection and the care of people living with HIV. They are structured along the continuum of HIV testing, prevention,... treatment and care
This publication provides guidance on reducing disability and premature deaths from coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease in people at high risk, who have not yet experienced a cardiovascular event.
2nd. edition
The new edition has been developed to make widely available to programme managers, health care workers in endemic settings, academic researchers, and other key partners, a concise source of information on strategies for MMDP for LF. It is a product of efforts to elaborate and concepts ...and approaches introduced in the previous edition, with a focus on ensuring that countries have the tools necessary to provide the essential package of care for LF.
Objectives and scope of the document
This document was developed to provide recommended management strategies for problems and disorders that are specifically related to the occurrence of a major stressful event. The recommended strategies will form the basis of a new module to be added to the WHO ...(2010) mhGAP Intervention Guide for use in non-specialized specialized health-care settings.
The scope of the problems covered by these guidelines is:
symptoms of acute stress in the first month after a potentially traumatic event, with the following subtypes:
- symptoms of acute traumatic stress (intrusion, avoidance and hyperarousal) in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- symptoms of dissociative (conversion) disorders in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- non-organic (secondary) enuresis in the first month after a potentially traumatic event (in children);
- hyperventilation in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
- insomnia in the first month after a potentially traumatic event;
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
bereavement in the absence of a mental disorder.
Evidence for technical update of pocket book recommendations. Newborn conditions, dysentery, pneumonia, oxygen use and delivery, common causes of fever, severe acute malnutrition and supportive care
This position paper on polio vaccines replaces the 2016 WHO position paper, and summarizes recent developments in the field.
Best practices for communicating with the public during an outbreak