Accessed on 06.03.2022
This interactive tool provides a snapshot – in the form of a map – of current national air quality standards for classical pollutants (particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide) for various averaging times. The WHO Air Quality G...uidelines values and interim targets are provided as references. The data was compiled by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and will be updated regularly.
Accessed on 06.03.2022
AirQ+: software tool for health risk assessment of air pollution
The threats posed by climate change to agriculture are now well known. Climate change has already resulted in a negative trend in mean crop yield per decade, and this is likely to continue as the century unfolds. In Africa, 650 million people are currently dependent on rain- fed agriculture and, des...pite progress in the Millennium Development Goals, food and nutrition insecurity remainunacceptably high.
The CAP is instrumental in managing the transition towards a sustainable food system and in strengthening the efforts of European farmers to contribute to the EU’s climate objectives and to protect the environment. Eco-schemes are a new instrument in the CAP to support this transition.
Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in East Africa. The future climate change projections suggest that temperature will rise and rainfall variability will increase with high unpredictability. Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to these
changes, with concerns that the... yields of the main cereal crops will be adversely affected.
A guide for hospital trusts' hotel services, procurement teams and caterers to provide more sustainable food.
This manual has been prepared by the Group on Agriculture of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of this work is to spread the basic concepts of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)in order to: guide the production systems towards a sustainable agriculture and ecolo...gically safe, obtain harmless products of higher quality, contribute to food security generating income through the access to markets and improve working conditions of producers and their families.
Climate change and variability is affecting maize (Zea mays L.) production in eastern Ethiopia but how farmers perceive the challenge and respond to it is not well documented. A study was conducted to analyze smallholder maize farmers’ perception of climate change/variability and identify their ad...aptation approaches and barriers for adaptation in the eastern highlands of
PlosOne; Food production is a major driver of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water and land use, and dietary risk factors are contributors to non-communicable diseases. Shifts in dietary patterns can therefore potentially provide benefits for both the en...vironment and health. However, there is uncertainty about the magnitude of these impacts, and the dietary changes necessary to achieve them.
Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast and colon cancer. It also helps to prevent hypertension, overweight and obesity and can improve mental health, quality of life
and well-being.
Il est prouvé que l’activité physique régulière aide à prévenir et à traiter les maladies non transmissibles (MNT), telles que les cardiopathies,
les accidents vasculaires cérébraux, le diabète, ainsi que les cancers du sein et du côlon. Elle aide également à prévenir l’hypertensi...on, la surcharge pondérale et l’obésité, et peut améliorer la santé mentale, la qualité de vie et le bien-être.
Climate change threatens to undermine the past 50 years of gains in public health. In response, theNational Health Service (NHS) in England has been working since 2008 to quantify and reduce its carbon footprint.
This Article presents the latest update to its greenhouse gas accounting, identifying ...interventions for mitigation efforts and describing an approach applicable to other health systems across the world.
WHO's Health in the Green Economy sector briefings examine the health impacts of climate change mitigation strategies considered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in their Fourth Assessment Report.
In 2015, 5.9 million children under age five died (1). The major causes of child deaths globally are pneumonia, prematurity, intrapartum-related complications, neonatal sepsis, congenital anomalies, diarrhoea, injuries and malaria (2). Most of these diseases and conditions are at least partially cau...sed by the environment. It was estimated in 2012 that 26% of childhood deaths and 25% of the total disease burden in children under five could be prevented through the reduction of environmental risks such as air pollution, unsafe water, sanitation and inadequate hygiene or chemicals.
En 2015, murieron 5,9 millones de niños menores de cinco años (1). Las principales causas de muerte en los niños a nivel mundial son la neumonía, la prematuridad, las complicaciones durante el parto, la sepsis neonatal, las anomalías congénitas, las enfermedades diarreicas, las lesiones ...y la malaria (2). La mayoría de estas enfermedades y condiciones son provocadas al menos en parte por el medio ambiente.
This booklet presents key messages for action, summarized from a set of
chapters on different environmental health issues.
Known avoidable environmental risks to health cause at least 12.6 million deaths every year, and account for about one quarter of the global burden of disease (2016 data) (1). Air pollution alone causes about 7 million
deaths a year, placing it among the top global risks to health (2). Global envir...onmental challenges are on the rise, including climate change, rapid urbanization and increased resistance to drugs.
En 2015, 5,9 millions d'enfants de moins de cinq ans sont décédés (1). Les principales causes de mortalité infantile dans le monde sont la pneumonie, la prématurité, les complications durant l'accouchement, la septicémie néonatale, les anomalies congénitales, la diarrhée, les tra...umatismes accidentels et le paludisme (2). La plupart de ces maladies et de ces problèmes sont, du moins en partie, causés par l'environnement. On a estimé en 2012 que 26 % des décès infantiles et 25 % de la charge totale de morbidité des enfants de moins de cinq ans pourraient être évités par la réduction des risques environnement aux tels que la pollution de l'air, l'insalubrité de l'eau, les mauvaises conditions d'hygiène et d'assainissement ou les produits chimiques.