El Plan Estratégico Institucional 2016-2020 del Ministerio de Salud (PEI) es el instrumento de planificación que orienta el accionar del Ministerio de Salud en el marco de los mandatos y paradigmas de desarrollo establecidos en la Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional (CPE), el Plan de ...Desarrollo Económico y Social 2016-2020 (PDES), la política sanitaria familiar comunitaria intercultural SAFCI, el Plan Sectorial de Desarrollo Integral para Vivir Bien 2016-2020 (PSDI) y las atribuciones institucionales señaladas en las leyes del Estado Plurinacional.
first issued 18 August 2022
Los datos preliminares de eficacia se infirieron mediante un enfoque de “inmunogenicidad puente”, en el que los títulos neutralizantes obtenidos después de la vacuna en niños y niñas de 5 a 11 años se compararon con los títulos obtenidos en adolescentes de 16 a 25 años (en quienes se hab...a evaluado la eficacia).Entre los participantes sin evidencia de infección previa por SARS-CoV-2, hubo 3 casos de COVID-19 entre los 1.305 receptores de vacuna a partir de los 7 días de la segunda dosis y 16 entre los 663 receptores de placebo.
Multiple countries are reporting severe acute cases of hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children, in several
regions of the world. WHO has developed this clinical case report form (CRF) to support and facilitate reporting
of anonymized, patient-level data of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology.
As vacinas COVID-19 são eficazes contra novas variantes? O que significa para uma pessoa estar totalmente vacinada? Essa e outras dúvidas estão entre as dúvidas mais frequentes sobre a vacinação contra a COVID-19. Nesta sexta edição você encontrará respostas para essas e outras perguntas.
Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
Europe and Central Asia Economic Update.
The Russian Federation’s war with Ukraine has triggered a catastrophic humanitarian crisis and threatened the stability of geopolitical relations. Economic output in the Europe and Central Asia region is forecast to contract by more than 4.1% in 2022—the... second major shock and regional recession in two years. Moreover, the war has added to mounting concerns of a sharp global growth slowdown.
mnesty International’s annual report on the state of the world’s human rights in 2021, published in March 2022, shows that promises to “build back better” after the Covid-19 pandemic were little more than lip service. Hopes of global cooperation withered in the face of vaccine hoarding and c...orporate greed.
Governments suppressed independent and critical voices, with some even using the pandemic as a pretext to shrink further the civic space. New and unresolved conflicts erupted or persisted. Those forced to flee were subjected to a litany of abuses, including pushbacks by countries in the Global North. But hopes for a better post-pandemic world were kept alive by courageous individuals, social movements and civil society organizations.
The report is available in different languages
COVID-19 Progress Report PAHO/WHO Argentina: 24 February 2022
Epidemiología; Resumen de puntos clave de conferencias y declaraciones de interés de OPS/OMS; Variantes de interés y preocupación; Actualización en vacunas; OPS/OMS en redes sociales; Publicaciones relacionadas; Noticias de la Regi...n de las Américas.
A rapid evidence briefing. Vaccinated people are less likely to develop long COVID, even if they get infected, a rapid review of 15 studies by the UK Health Security Agency shows.
21 January 2022
The overall threat posed by Omicron largely depends on four key questions: (i) how transmissible the variant is; (ii) how well vaccines and prior infection protect against infection, transmission, clinical disease and death; (iii) how virulent the variant is compared to other varian...ts; and (iv) how populations understand these dynamics, perceive risk and follow control measures, including public health and social measures (PHSM).
Updated Treatment Guidelines
Frequently asked questions on COVID-19 vaccination. Version 6, 12 February 2022
COVID-19 Situation Update OPS/WHO Argentina: 10 February 2022
Situation report generated by the OPS/WHO representation in Argentina
16 Dec 2021. This interim guidance pertains to heterologous primary and heterologous boosting schedules of Covid-19 vaccines. It focuses on heterologous schedules combining multiple vaccine platforms (e.g. a vectored vaccine followed by an mRNA vaccine).
This guideline covers identifying, assessing and managing the long-term effects of COVID-19, often described as ‘long COVID’. It makes recommendations about care in all healthcare settings for adults, children and young people who have new or ongoing symptoms 4 weeks or more after the start of a...cute COVID-19. It also includes advice on organising services for long COVID.
Updated 11 November 2021
Nature | Vol 600 | 2 December 2021 |
National Operationalisation Plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine : 13th edition
interim guidance, 19 July 2021 (arabic version)