In line with the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations which IFRC, ICRC and various Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies have endorsed, this short Guide aims to help practitioners integrate environmental and climate change considerations into their work. It has been dev...eloped primarily for logistics staff, administrative staff, and management. It is not necessary to be an environmental expert to use this Guide.
A Toolbox of Conflict Sensitive Indicators.
This toolbox adapts a sample of 15 indicators from the SPHERE Project's Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response to be even more conflict sensitive while remaining practical and user-friendly
Au cours des derniers mois, la situation sécuritaire et humanitaire s'est rapidement détériorée dans les régions du Nord, du CentreNord, du Sahel, de la Boucle du Mouhoun et de l’Est du Burkina Faso. Cette dégradation a entraîné un accroissement substantiel des déplacements internes et ag...gravé l'accès déjà très limité aux services sociaux de base dans un contexte d'extrême pauvreté dans ces localités. Alors que l'insécurité augmente progressivement depuis 2017, l’année 2019 a été particulièrement violente, provoquant une augmentation sans précédent des besoins humanitaires. 2,9 millions de burkinabè sont dans un besoin humanitaire de plus en plus croissant dans tous les secteurs. Parmi ces 2,9 millions de personnes, plus de 920 000 étaient des déplacées internes au 30 juin 2020 et plus de 1,5 millions étaient directement privées d’un accès aux soins de santé et d’éducation
The plan aims to practice the preparedness measures and response functions which need to be coordinated among relevant departments and organizations to reduce the risk of earthquakes. The plan has two main parts: preparedness and response. The first part includes the preparedness measures which can practically implemented in collaboration with relevant government departments and communities. The latter part includes the response functions by the National Disaster Management Committee and it’s Work Committees if a damaging earthquake were to occur.
The synthesis looked across the evaluations and reviews as mentioned above to draw lessons and conclusions across the different contexts. The synthesis aims to identify:
recurrent issues, patterns and trends, and promising initiatives and lessons learned from existing programming including main...streaming in how UNHCR prevents, mitigates and responds to the risks of SGBV;
institutional management and leadership for SGBV in UNHCR;
factors which are contributing to success, including sustainability of services, and those which are inhibiting it;
the extent to which questions on SGBV are part of UNHCR evaluations of emergency responses;
The purpose of this plan is to:
Present the GoP’s strategy and actions;
Propose an aid coordination approach;
Identify the critical support needs, including for: public health response to COVID-19; budget support to maintain government services; and diplomatic engagement with partners; and
Describe our expectations of the longer-term economic impact of COVID-19 and required economic recovery actions.
The Government of Malawi, in fulfilling its primary role of protecting the lives of its vulnerable citizens during disasters and reducing their exposure to risk through preparedness, led the development of a National Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response Plan.
How to respond to Covid19 pandemic in West and Central Africa
Yemen remains the site of one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises. A staggering 23.4 million people — 73 per cent of the population — require some form of humanitarian assistance in 2022, the result of seven years of escalating conflict.
Millions have been uprooted from their homes, ...the economy has collapsed and nearly the entire health system has cratered, allowing preventable diseases, such as cholera and COVID-19, to spread unchecked.