A non-exhaustive reference list of organizations working with and for persons with disabilities world-wide.
Persons with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable and socially excluded groups in any crisis-affected community. They may be in hidden in homes, overlooked during needs assessments and not consulted in the design of programs.4 While gender-based violence (GBV) affects women, girls, men and bo...ys, the vast majority of survivors globally are women and girls.5 Persons with disabilities have difficulty accessing GBV programs, due to a variety of societal, environmental and communication barriers, increasing their risk of violence, abuse and exploitation.
This resource is a product of a partnership project between the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and UNICEF Lebanon entitled “Strengthening Child Protection and Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response for Women, Children, and Youth with Disabilities." The overall goal of the project is to ...improve violence prevention and response programming for at-risk groups of women, girls, and boys with disabilities. It builds on existing initiatives of gender-based violence (GBV) and child protection (CP) actors to systematically advance disability inclusion across the CP and GBV prevention and response sectors in Lebanon.
Download the full Toolkit directly from the website link.
Testimonies from Humanitarian Workers with Disabilities.
By reading the first-hand accounts, we hear how persons with disabilities, not through any particular talent or skill but from unique knowledge gained through life experience, are ideally placed to provide insights, ideas and leadership, to s...upply essential data, and to fill the gaps in humanitarian response that cause this exclusion.
Main messages and recommendations