إرشاداتٌ حول إنشاء عنابر العزل الخاصة بالحالات المصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد
This document simplifies the WHO guidance on severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) treatment centres and is meant to be accessible to healthcare work...ers, policymakers and others who want
a quick overview of the key requirements for a COVID-19 isolation centre either within an existing facility or as a standalone centre.
تطوير لقاح مرض فيروس كورونا ] واستراتيجية المستجد [COVID-19
Currently, Mauritius and Seychelles have 85 and 82 percent vaccination rates, respectively, surpassing the 70 percent target set by the WHO in 2021. Countries that have attained vaccination rates of between 50 and 70 percent include Liberia
at 67 percent, Rwanda at 66 percent, Morocco at 62 percent..., and Tunisia at 53 percent. Meanwhile, about 25.3 percent of the continent's population is fully vaccinated.
Africa has registered over 12 million COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. The following countries have recorded the highest number of cases: Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, and Tunisia
The control of schistosomiasis was a high priority in China soon after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, and schistosomiasis japonica was largely brought under control through 7 decades of effort. However, great challenges still exist to completely eliminate schistosomiasis f...rom the country by 2030 due to climate change, natural disasters, socioeconomic development, environmental protection, etc. The progress of the national schistosomiasis control program and the experience
accumulated over past several decades in China is reviewed in this article, and solutions to achieve the elimination of schistosomiasis through a One Health
approach are explored, which addresses complex health issues from a holistic perspective of human-animal-environment interaction.
On March 16, 2023, the Tanzania Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of an unidentified illness in Bukoba district, Kagera region. A group of seven individuals presented with fever, vomiting, bleeding from various body orifices, and kidney failure, sparking suspicion of a contagious disease. Labo...ratory results from patients and the deceased confirmed the Marburg virus disease (MVD) outbreak on March 21, 2023.
Ebola outbreaks by species and size 1976-2014
You can download all diagnostic reference resources from the website: http://www.cdc.gov/dpdx/az.html