During non-invasive ventilation and between patients
Always read and follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer`s manual
Consumables associated with oxygen delivery are generally intended as single use devices, should be treated as infectious material and disposed of according...ly. Dispose of patient interface and filters, for example, as per facility standard operating procedures for infectious/biohazardous waste management.
Consumables associated with oxygen delivery are generally intended as single use devices. They should be treated as infectious1 material and disposed of accordingly. Disposal of patient interface, tubing, water bag and water chamber, for example, should be done as per facility standard operating pro...cedures for infectious/biohazardous waste management.
Occupational health and safety programmes aim to prevent diseases and injuries arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of work, while improving the quality and safety of care, safeguarding the health workforce and promoting environmental sustainability in the health sector.
This gu...ide provides an overview of the key elements of occupational health and safety programmes for health workers at national, subnational and facility levels, as well as advice for the development and implementation of such programmes. Health workers exposure risk assessment and management in the context of COVID-19 virus
MEDBOX Issue Brief No.17, 21 November 2021
Women's cancers have a significant impact on women's health worldwide. According to the World Health Organisation, nearly three million women are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer every year. In this Issue Brief you will find more information.
Detecting breast cancer early improves survival, lowers morbidity and reduces the cost of care. Learn about the major breast cancer early detection strategies in this knowledge summary, including breast cancer education and awareness, and breast self-detection and clinical breast exams (CBE).
Breast cancer. Just reading those words can make many women worry. And that’s natural. Nearly everyone knows someone touched by the disease.
But there is a lot of good news about breast cancer these days. Treatments keep getting better, and we know more than ever about ways to prevent the disease.... These eight simple steps can help lower the risk of breast cancer. Not every one applies to every woman, but together they
can have a big impact. Available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese
This summary covers the preventive approach to breast cancer control and includes prophylactic medications, prophylactic surgery and lifestyle modifications for breast cancer prevention. Health professional training and individual risk assessments and counseling are also discussed.
Candid Conversations is a podcast where we talk to family planning and reproductive health champions from around the globe and take a deep dive into current topics in family planning and reproductive health, as well as the personal journeys of our champions, the challenges they’ve faced, what exci...tes them about the future and some advice for other up and coming leaders.
Our Goals:
Highlight the new generation of family planning leaders and the trailblazing work they are doing
Discuss the challenges youth face starting new programs and managing existing projects
Give a youth perspective on the needs of youth and the changing reproductive health landscape
Below are our latest episodes. Tune in by clicking below, listening to us on Apple podcasts, subscribing to our Youtube channel, or following us on Spotify.
Advanced Cardiac Arrest Algorithm Adult and Paediatric
Pais, mães, responsáveis e cuidadores de crianças,
Nesta situação que estamos vivendo durante a pandemia do novo
coronavírus, é importante conversar e explicar às crianças o que está
acontecendo. A curiosidade é normal em qualquer idade e, juntamen-
te com as dúvidas, podem surgir... sentimentos como insegurança, medo
e até raiva. Se é comum nos adultos, imagina nas crianças...
A mudança de rotina causa ansiedade, e os adultos devem mostrar
que é papel de cada um proteger-se e proteger as pessoas mais vul-
neráveis nessa pandemia.
Também é importante brincar, pois é assim que crianças aprendem da
melhor forma. Cantem juntos, dancem, façam atividades e tentem se
distrair em meio à nova rotina e às novas obrigações.
Além de manter as crianças bem entretidas, use a informação como
um instrumento de proteção para sua família.
Each year more than one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide over half of whom will die from the disease. Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death for women
A Book for Midwives > Chapter 20: The Pelvic Exam: how to examine a woman's vagina and womb > Cancer of the cervix
WHO is launching a “Revised edition, 2021” for the Caring for women subjected to violence: A WHO training curriculum for health-care providers today. The revised edition includes 4 new modules three of which are for health managers to assess and strengthen health facility readiness and one modul...e, which is for managers and providers to support prevention of violence against women. The earlier content published in 2019 remains unchanged. The 2021 edition is aimed at creating an enabling health systems environment for health workers to provide quality care to women subjected to violence.
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 8: End-of-Life Care
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 7: Spirituality