November 3, 2009
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176.
The present book deals not only with emergency response, but also with measures designed to reduce the impact of disasters on environmental health infrastructure, such as water supply and sanitation facilities. It also aims to strengthen the ability of people to withstand the disruption of their acc...ustomed infrastructure and systems for environmental health (e.g. shelter, water supply, sanitation, vector control etc.) and to recover rapidly.
This is the sixth of our 11-paper supplement entitled “Community Health Workers at the Dawn of New Era”. Expectations of community health workers (CHWs) have expanded in recent years to encompass a wider array
of services to numerous subpopulations, engage communities to collaborate with and to... assist health systems in responding to complex and sometimes intensive threats. In this paper, we explore a set of key considerations for training of CHWs in response to their enhanced and changing roles and provide actionable recommendations based on
current evidence and case examples for health systems leaders and other stakeholders to utilize.
From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic until August 2021, extreme weather events have affected at least 139.2 million people and killed at least 17,242 people in at least 433 unique events. These figures are certainly an underestimate, as they do not include estimates of numbers of people affected extreme temperatures, or mortality during drought events.
One dimension of the compound risk of COVID-19 and climate extremes was the additional challenge of preparing for and responding to disasters during the pandemic, such as the constraints of physical distancing during evacuations and response operations.
J Hosp Infect. 2020 Apr 8. pii: S0195-6701(20)30176-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.04.001. [Epub ahead of print]
Eine wachsende Anzahl von Studierenden interessiert sich für Global Health. Bisher mangelt es jedoch an ausreichenden Angeboten zur Verwirklichung von studentischen Global-Health-Forschungsprojekten. Um vor diesem Hintergrund interessierte Studierende auf ihrem Weg zum eigenen Global-Health-Forschu...ngsprojekt zu unterstützen, hat die AG Forschungsplattform der Global Health Alliance-Deutschland (GHA-D), in Kooperation mit weiteren Institutionen, das Handbuch "Forschung mit Weitblick" entwickelt. Neben Hintergrundinformationen und Anregungen zur kritischen Reflexion werden in dem Handbuch eine Auswahl von Forschungsarbeiten mit Global-Health-Bezug sowie erste Schritte zur Umsetzung eines eigenen Forschungsprojekts vorgestellt.
Editorial Review
AIDS 2019, 33:1411–1420
PLoSONE 14(9):e0223104.
The survey centering on reasons behind community resistance was conducted in Butembo in November during a time of Ebola transmission. A researcher from Catholic University of Graben in Butembo and collaborators at the University o...f Alberta in Edmonton published their findings on Sep 26 in PLOS One.
To spark focus group discussions, the researchers used an 18-item questionnaire based on similar ones used during West Africa's outbreak in Guinea, where community resistance and episodes of violence also complicated the outbreak response.
Participants were a convenience sample of 670 adults from the region who were recruited by medical students at Catholic University of Graben. Those surveyed included clinicians, community members, and displaced persons.
Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2019 Jun; 222(5): 765–777. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.05.004;
To develop updated estimates in response to new exposure and exposure-response data of the
burden of diarrhoea, respiratory infections, malnutrition, schistosomiasis, malaria, soil-transmitted helminth
infec...tions and trachoma from exposure to inadequate drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene behaviours
(WASH) with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Healthy me, healthy us: a guide for community members about good health and staying healthy with chronic illness
Examining nursing practice guidelines to improve quality of care for patients with sepsis in low income countries is required. • A large amount of information about best practice standards in sepsis management is available for healthcare professionals; however, implementation and adherence to prac...tice guidelines recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign remains low in low income countries.
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases and their risk factors are an increasing public health and development challenge in Turkey. This report provides evidence through three analyses that NCDs reduce economic output, and di...scusses potential options in response, outlining details of their relative returns on investment. An economic burden analysis shows that economic losses from NCDs are equivalent to 3.6% of gross domestic product. An intervention costing analysis provides an estimate of the funding required to implement a set of policy interventions for prevention and clinical interventions. A cost–benefit analysis compares these implementation costs with the estimated health gains and identifies which policy packages would give the greatest returns on investment.
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 75, Supplement 2, June 1, 2017
In Catholic Social Teaching, (hereafter CST) the term “solidarity” makes explicit what is implicit in the Gospel sayings about losing ourselves for the sake of others – and in this way finding our true selves. It is about what it means to be fully human: we cannot be our own true selves outsid...e of right relationships with others and with our environment. But the Gospel saying is not just an anthropological statement; it is a moral requirement; it leads to having life, or losing it; and it is a requirement of Christian discipleship. (cf Luke 9:23,24)