One of the 16 Pledge commitments asked CEOs to “[r]ecognize the immediate and long-term effects sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment have on [NGO] staff and the people [they] serve, and [to] … ensure [their] organizations have robust policies and funded mechanisms to provide the necessary”
However, there has been no standard to date in the provision of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH) survivor support across organizations. In practice, this means that a survivor may receive a different level and standard of care depending on which organization employed the perpetrator. Additionally, the lack of clear standards has resulted in confusion among humanitarian and development organizations regarding an organization’s responsibility to a survivor of SEAH.
PLoS Neglected Tropical diseases August 16, 2021
Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a neglected tropical disease transmitted by triatomine insects, first identified in 1909. Chagas disease affects approximately 6–7 million peop...le globally and is highly prevalent in Latin America where most cases are reported. However, there is increasing evidence that Chagas disease is now an important public health issue outside the “classical” endemic countries due to population migration. Our understanding of Chagas disease, including its pathologies and factors relating to progression, remains to date limited, and is also challenged by lack of diagnosis and highly effective treatment. This systematic review aims to describe studies with Chagas patients receiving antiparasitic treatment. Databases were searched for relevant studies published after 1997, and the results of these searches were screened.
Highlights (1 week ago)
- Civilians have been killed and injured in ongoing fighting while attacks on infrastructure have left people without heat or water.
- Declaration of “Martial law” in Donetska, Khersonska, Luhanska and Zaporizka oblasts creates concern over access and movements for ci...vilians living in these areas.
- The humanitarian community continues to scale up winterization assistance as the cold season approaches.
- Humanitarian partners have delivered additional aid in retaken areas of Donetska, Kharkivska and Khersonska oblasts and in Dnipropetrovska oblast.
- 13.47 million people reached with humanitarian assistance and protection since February 2022.
Highlights (1 week ago)
- Civilians have been killed and injured in ongoing fighting while attacks on infrastructure have left people without heat or water.
- Declaration of “Martial law” in Donetska, Khersonska, Luhanska and Zaporizka oblasts creates concern over access and movements for ci...vilians living in these areas.
- The humanitarian community continues to scale up winterization assistance as the cold season approaches.
- Humanitarian partners have delivered additional aid in retaken areas of Donetska, Kharkivska and Khersonska oblasts and in Dnipropetrovska oblast.
- 13.47 million people reached with humanitarian assistance and protection since February 2022.
The geographical area directly affected by military operations has increased dramatically. Affected areas are not limited as before to a strip along the contact line (which continues to exist) but are scattered across the country. There are many territories outside eastern conflict area are directly... affected for the first time (including urban centres).
Previously accessible areas or unaffected areas are now isolated settlements due to active fighting, not reachable by both humanitarian agencies and public actors. Access to these locations is still not possible, as military activities are ongoing.
Residential buildings are not a direct target, but collateral damages are registered. Civilian infrastructure – such as gas, central heating systems and electricity – is also affected, with an even higher impact on the population due to the cold season and to the impossibility to access markets for solid fuel and state winterization subsidies.
The COVID-19 vaccine tracker and landscape compiles detailed information of each COVID-19 vaccine candidate in development by closely monitoring their progress through the pipeline.
The COVID-19 vaccine tracker:
Provides summary tables of COVID-19 vaccine candidates in both clinical and pre-...clinical development;
Provides analysis and visualization for several COVID-19 vaccine candidate categories;
Tracks the progress of each vaccine from pre-clinical, Phase 1, Phase 2 through to Phase 3 efficacy studies and including Phase 4 registered as interventional studies;
Provides links to published reports on safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data of the vaccine candidates;
Includes information on key attributes of each vaccine candidate and
Allows users to search for COVID-19 vaccines through various criteria such as vaccine platform, schedule of vaccination, route of administration, developer, trial phase and clinical endpoints.
The database is updated regularly - twice a week (Tuesday and Friday, 17:00 CET).
Chemoprevention is the use of medicines, either alone or in combination, to prevent malaria infection and its consequences. This publication provides standardized approaches for monitoring and evaluating the efficacy of medicines used for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, pe...rennial malaria chemoprevention (formerly known as intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants), seasonal malaria chemoprevention and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in school-aged children. It follows the recent release of new and updated WHO recommendations on these interventions.
As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine, especially the most vulnerable, are paying an enormous price. Lives and livelihoods are being lost, with more than ten million people forced from their homes— and their country—in search of safety. The war has unleashed catast...rophic damage to the country’s economy and threatens lasting increases in poverty and societal upheaval. The scale of the war and the devastation it has caused have jeopardized Ukraine’s hard-fought development gains, through destruction of production and property, disruption of trade, diminished investment due to amplified uncertainty, and erosion of human capita
The Americas region hosts more than 18.4 million refugees, asylum-seekers, displaced and stateless people, representing some 20 per cent of persons of concern to UNHCR worldwide. During the last two years, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on refugees and ...migrants in host communities, including loss of livelihoods opportunities, an increase in evictions, engagement in negative coping mechanisms, discrimination and xenophobia. Further compounded by limited access to regularization and documentation in some countries, these impacts have contributed to onward movements of people in search of protection and/or better opportunities elsewhere.
Este rotafolio es un material didáctico, ilustrado, importante para la labor que realiza el personal del sector de la salud,
llámense auxiliares de enfermería, agentes comunitarios de salud, promotores de salud, entre otros, para la divulgación y apropiación de los conceptos básicos de la TUB...ERCULOSIS, ya sea durante la visita domiciliaria o durante las actividades con las instituciones de salud de su zona u otras organizaciones, mediante acciones dirigidas ala prevención y el control de esta enfermedad.
The spillover of infectious agents from animals to humans in recent decades has had a significant impact on the health of humans, animals, and our environment. To minimize the impact of future pandemic threats, the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) was established in 2011 to dev...elop the next generation of skillful and competent One Health (OH) workforce with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development and its One Health Workforce project.
The social impacts of Covid-19 in Brazil: vulnerable populations and responses to the pandemic
Passados os primeiros meses da pandemia do novo coronavírus no Brasil, o Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz, em parceria com a Editora Fiocruz e com o apoio da Rede SciELO Livros, traz para o público leitor... um conjunto de livros instantâneos sobre as análises nele realizadas desde que foi criado para subsidiar o seu combate. Nesta série Informação para Ação na Covid-19 será apresentado um balanço do conjunto de documentos (notas e relatórios técnicos, boletins, ensaios, informes, recomendações, ensaios, artigos, entre outros) produzidos em resposta à pandemia. Cada volume da série se estrutura em torno de um tema: aspectos globais da pandemia e da diplomacia em saúde; cenários epidemiológicos e vigilância em saúde; as políticas e a gestão dos serviços e sistemas de saúde; orientações para os cuidados e a saúde dos trabalhadores da saúde; impactos sociais e desigualdades sociais na pandemia. Com a publicação destes estudos em livros instantâneos e de acesso aberto colocamos à disposição do público o conjunto de informações e conhecimentos gerados no âmbito do Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz, realizamos um balanço e uma reflexão sobre como chegamos ao cenário atual e apontamos caminhos para um futuro próximo. E, ao mesmo tempo, mantemos o registro histórico desse conhecimento produzido a quente, no calor da hora.
WHO and Psyon Games have joined forces to launch a new tower defense game called the Antidote COVID-19 to turn complex, scientific information into a fun learning experience. During the course of the game, players will learn about their immune system, pathogens, vaccines and how to protect themselve...s from COVID-19.
The game comes at a critical point of the pandemic where misinformation is hindering COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and adherence to other public health measures due to fear, mistrust and doubt. By putting players in the driver’s seat, the game urges everyone to play a role in fighting harmful misinformation online, and learning and sharing the facts from trusted sources of information.
The game starts just before the pandemic begins. The player is recruited to halt the spread of SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, by developing vaccines and helping the human immune system fight off the virus. Based on real events, this online adventure takes the player to the frontline of science, ultimately providing lifesaving information in the palms of their hands.
Since the emergence of COVID 19 in December 2019, various public health responses measures have been implemented to control the pandemic. Among measures taken by the Africa CDC was the launch of PACT initiative to accelerate COVID 19 testing. Key to the initiative is the engagement of Community Workers (CHWs) in risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), surveillance activities for early case identification, contacts tracing and in facilitating referrals for testing and continuum of care.
As of 31 May 2021, Through PACT support, over 17154 CHWs have been trained and locally deployed in 24 AU Member states. The PACT supported CHWs visited more than 2,568,654 households for community engagement activities, active case search and contact tracing, identified 1,618,601 Contacts, 710,167 COVID 19 suspect cases based on the standard case definition and facilitated referrals for 553053 (78%) suspect cases for testing. These efforts were crucial for early identification and isolation of cases in limiting further transmission.
Pan American Journal of Public Health.
Objetivo. Identificar os fatores associados ao êxito do tratamento da tuberculose multirresistente (TBMR) relacionados ao paciente e à equipe de saúde nos seis municípios da Colômbia com o maior número de casos. Métodos. Mediante regresiones logísticas... bifactorial y multifactorial se analizó la asociación entre el tratamiento exitoso (curación o cumplimiento del tratamiento) y las características de los pacientes, y de los médicos, profesionales de enfermería y psicólogos vinculados al tratamiento. Se exploró la importancia del conocimiento en el manejo de los casos de TB-MDR mediante grupos focales con esos profesionales.
Según las estimaciones, en las Américas hay entre 6 y 8 millones de personas con infección por T. cruzi, con aproximadamente 30 000 casos nuevos por año por transmisión vectorial, y 8000 casos nuevos anuales por transmisión congénita. Es decir, cerca de 65 millones de personas viven en la Reg...ión con el riesgo de contraer la infección. Además, durante cualquiera de las fases de esta parasitosis, las personas con la infección pueden sufrir algún grado de inmunosupresión, bien sea por una infección, una neoplasia o por un tratamiento farmacológico. En este decálogo se exponen los conceptos más importantes para tener en cuenta frente a la coexistencia de inmunosupresión y la infección por el T. cruzi.
National emergency medical teams are the best option for providing immediate and appropriate surge response for emergencies directly affecting populations, while international teams may help relieve overwhelmed health systems. The efficiency and effectiveness of countries and local authorities in mo...bilizing existing resources is only as good as the quality of care they are able to provide. This publication serves as a practical guide for teams and aims to compliment emergency response systems, fostering seamless collaboration with all emergency response actors and networks
Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.30, n.1, e200450, 2021
Desde março de 2020, quando a Organização Mundial de Saúde declarou que o mundo vivia uma pandemia de covid-19, acompanhamos um quadro sanitário sem precedentes nos últimos 100 anos. As medidas atuais contra a ...doença têm como objetivo o controle da transmissão e envolvem ações individuais e coletivas de higiene e distanciamento físico, enquanto a busca por uma vacina se apresenta como a esperança para vencer a pandemia. Considerando o contexto social de clamor por uma nova vacina, este ensaio crítico discute o paradoxo e as contradições da relação indivíduo-sociedade no contexto da covid-19 à luz da hesitação vacinal como fenômeno histórico e socialmente situado. Este ensaio aponta que as tomadas de decisão sobre (não) vacinar ou sobre (não) seguir as medidas preventivas e de controle da propagação da covid-19 são conformadas por pertencimentos sociais e atravessadas por desigualdades que tendem a se exacerbar. A infodemia que cerca a covid-19 e a hesitação vacinal refletem a tensão entre o risco cientificamente validado e o risco percebido subjetivamente, também influenciada pela crise de confiança na ciência. Percepções de risco e adesão a medidas de saúde extrapolam aspectos subjetivos e racionais e espelham valores e crenças conformados pelas dimensões política, econômica e sociocultural.
Also available in Englisch
La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria con compromiso focal o difuso del miocardio, que se presenta de forma fulminante, pudiendo ser aguda, subaguda o crónica.Las que poseen un nivel de gravedad suficiente para reconocerlas clínicamente, son raras, pero la prevalencia de los casos leves y ...asintomáticos probablemente sea más elevada.
orientaciones provisionales, 8 de noviembre de 2020
This interim guidance is most useful for countries interested in monitoring relative circulations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The document provides practical information to maintain surveillance of influenza and monitor SARS-CoV-2 using e...xisting surveillance systems. It contains updated considerations for addressing disruptions in the influenza sentinel surveillance and extending to include COVID-19 wherever possible. Updated algorithms for testing of both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 for surveillance are also included. This document is an update of Operational considerations for COVID-19 surveillance using GISRS and GISRS for the upcoming influenza seasons during the COVID-19 pandemic